An extraordinary Texas woman has won a Guinness World Record thanks to her generous heart and help from other organs.
Alyse Ogletree set the world record for the largest amount of breast milk donated by a single person: 2,645.58 liters, or roughly 700 gallons.
This is a record she previously broke in 2014 after the birth of her son Kyle in 2010. She was told she could donate the extra milk she was producing to women who wanted to breastfeed their baby but who had difficulties.
The suggestion was made when nurses observed the excessive amount of breast milk Alyse was producing. She was more than happy to donate, and confessed during an interview with Guinness, donating and giving are among the most important aspects of one’s life.
“I have a big heart, (but) at the end of the day, I’m not made of money and I can’t donate money to good causes over and over again because I have a family to support ” Ogletree said. But “donating milk was a way for me to give back.”
“I was overproducing and throwing away milk, not realizing that the overproduction was unique and that other mothers were struggling,” she recalls. “Our first child, Kyle, was in the hospital and I was stocking the nurses’ freezer. A nurse asked me if I was donating, which I didn’t know was possible.
By the time Kyle had finished breastfeeding (and a little after), she had donated 414 gallons (1,569.79) to Breast Milk Bank of North Texas. She would take on the challenge after the birth of her two youngest sons Kage (12) and Kory (7), so by the time she finished starting her family, she had donated 528 gallons (2,000 additional liters) to another milk bank. — Tiny Treasures — as well as close friends in need, even if these were not counted in the Guinness World Record.
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The Mother’s Milk Bank of North Texas told Ogletree that each gallon of milk can feed 11 premature babies, which, by its calculations, means its milk would have fed 350,000 infants across Texas if it was all used up.
Shaina Stanks, the milk bank’s director, said she was “shocked and amazed” by his donation of “an incomprehensible amount of surplus breast milk to fragile infants”.
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“His efforts to save lives are an undeniable testament to his extraordinary generosity and compassion,” Stanks’ statement added.
The Guardian reports Doctors aren’t sure why her body seems to be such a natural latter, but Ogletree emphasizes her well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet and good hydration.
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