Days of our lives next week Philippe Kiriakis in court to steal an inheritance and Therese Donovan he might be the one to expose it. She hates Xander Cook (Paul Telfer), but maybe there’s redemption in this case on DOOL.
This dirty battle for the succession of Victor Kiriakis (John Aniston) reaches its climax next week. And Philip Kiriakis (Jean-Paul Lavoisier) could win. But I suspect that Alex will get his legacy at one point in Days of our Lives.
And it could be Theresa Donovan (Emily O’Brien) who will appear on Days of our Lives. And yes, Theresa hates Alex. But she really likes Alex Kiriakis (Robert Scott Wilson). And she hates disappointing Brady Black (Eric Martsolf).

So, Theresa could hear Vivian Alamain (Louise Sorrel) talking in Statesville Prison about the fake letter. And it is on this letter that Philip’s claim for his trial on Days of our Lives is based. If Theresa Donovan decides she wants redemption, she could expose Philip Kiriakis’ fraud. So there could be some explosive action ahead.
Check out the latest Days of our Lives action from Belynda at Soap Dirt below.