Written by Drew Deitch | Published
Ever since George Romero changed the history of horror culture by creating the most popular version of zombies, the undead have become a constant presence in the world of movies. From massive epics to intimate, low-budget arthouse films, zombie films have an amazing range for a diverse range of viewers.
Unfortunately, thanks to factors such as The walking dead A TV universe that lasts forever or zombie-laden video games, a lot of people are either tired of re-animated corpses or can’t even care about zombie stories in the first place.
So, if you had to pick a few zombie movies to help discover or rediscover your true passion for this zombie subgenre, which ones should you go out of your way to watch? I’m Drew Deitch and these are the giant robot zombie movies that will make you love zombie movies.
Dawn of the Dead (1978)

As I said before, George Romero turned the word “zombie” into a household term forever Night of the Living Deaddespite being called ghouls in the must-see classic. And you can’t really go wrong watching any of his zombie outings – except maybe Diary of the deadthis is skippable – but the only entry that better captures the anarchic joy of this subgenre is 1978’s Dawn of the Dead.
The basic idea of a group of survivors taking over a shopping mall is given plenty of room for fun, and by the time the zombies are taking pies to the face, you’ll understand exactly what kind of atmosphere Dawn of the Dead Being for. That’s not to say there isn’t legitimate drama to be found Dawn of the Deadbut it’s a stylized concept that would inspire a more ludicrous and deliciously silly remake Dead rising Video game franchise.
Dawn of the Dead It’s not the first zombie movie, but it’s the first to take the concept and understand the potential for outright fun without losing what makes the subgenre special.
Return of the Living Dead (1985)

Once the 1980s hit, the horror genre went wild with over-the-top effects and comedy, and that included another type of horror. Night of the Living Dead kind of sequel, Return of the living dead.
This entry takes the idea of that Night of the Living Dead It is a film based on a real incident that was covered up by the American government. After two bumbling warehouse employees release the toxic gas responsible for creating zombies, the reanimated dead prepare to celebrate.
Return of the living dead It takes the zombie movie to a black comedy satire of punk rock. It also features colorful, memorable effects that I think might be the most fun zombie movie ever produced. Tharman alone is in the running for best zombie movie ever.
Re-animation (1985)

Released uncategorized and all the better for it, Re-animation Inspired by HP Lovecraft’s short story and turns it up to eleven. Suppose a brilliant and dashing scientist by the name of God invented a glowing green mixture that could bring the dead back to life. Unfortunately, they seem pretty angry.
As the story escalates, we are treated to many gifts. A wonderfully entertaining performance by Jeffrey Combs, great low-budget direction from Stuart Gordon, and the idea of decapitating the evil Dr. Hill and then re-animating his head! Who doesn’t want to see that?
granted, Re-animation It is cinema of deliberate bad taste. She’s not afraid to push the envelope. Heck, it rips right through it. But if you can appreciate the goofiness of Grindhouse, Re-animation It might just be one of your favorite movies.
Night Creep (1986)

Mixing aliens and zombies? Yes please! Night of the Creepers He drops a bunch of alien slugs at a high school prom and the result is one of the funniest hidden gems of the ’80s. With his tongue firmly planted in his cheek, Night of the Creepers It pays homage to the classic era of 1950s sci-fi horror but gives it all the 80s flare with fun special effects and humor.
Thanks to Tom Atkins’ ever-present turn as a jaded detective with a dark secret, Night of the Creepers It has more going for it than just a fun B-movie homage. But those are more than enough to make this a guaranteed good time.
Dead Heat (1988)

You know we love some Williams therapy if you’ve watched our video Phantomand it doesn’t get much better than a re-animation of Williams’ take on the role of a hotshot cop Dead heat. After a robbery with seemingly unkillable attackers, Williams and his partner play SNL alum, Joe Piscopo, investigates a diabolical plot involving the resurrection of corpses.
Unfortunately, Williams is killed and must be brought back to life using the Resurrection Machine. He only has so much time before he has to try and solve the case. Yes, our heroic leader is a zombie cop.
Dead heat It’s all 80s shoot ’em up fun with goofball horror gags thrown into the mix. If you don’t smile when a Chinese butcher shop full of dead animals is brought back to life, then maybe fun zombie movies aren’t for you.
Braindead aka Dead Alive (1992)

Before he conquered Middle-earth, Peter Jackson was making some of the most offensive and bizarre horror comedies of the era. And his indisputable masterpiece is the zombie free-for-all Brain deadknown as Dead alive In the United States.
Thanks to the bite of the Sumatran rat monkey – who doesn’t love a Sumatran rat monkey? – A terrible old woman comes alive while her sweet but bumbling son tries to keep everything normal. Things escalate as more and more zombies appear, and we get a karate priest, a mutant zombie kid, and the best lawnmower scene in the history of cinema that I don’t think we could even show here!
If you have a strong ability to absorb the most gore you will ever see in a movie, Brain dead He takes the crown as his true spiritual heir Evil deadand it is not on this list because the dead are not zombies! But there is no doubt about it Brain dead Full of the living dead.
Cemetery Man (1994)

Director Michele Soavi came under the tutelage of Italian horror maestro Dario Argento. After directing a few of his own films, Soavi created what is arguably one of the best Italian zombie films ever made, Cemetery man.
Rupert Everett plays a depressed cemetery keeper named Francesco, whose dead residents come back to life after about seven days in the ground, and he must shoot them in the head and rebury them forever. When a stunning beauty enters Francesco’s life, a whirlpool of funny and dark corpses begins that culminates in a conversation with the Grim Reaper himself.
Cemetery man He’ll give you a flying zombie head and jokes about impotence, all at the same time. It’s a truly unique horror comedy, as much art house as it is grind house. This movie is probably for the more discerning zombie movie fans, but it may also be the best of the whole bunch.
Versus (2000)

Japan loves zombie movies too, and there are so many to choose from, this whole list might just be Japanese zombie movies, but the one you have to watch is Ryuhei Kitamura. reverse.
An escaped prisoner comes into conflict with a Yakuza group in the middle of the Resurrection Forest, who do exactly what they say and bring the dead back to life as zombies. equal parts evil dead, Highlanderand Matrix, reverse It is a fantasy-action horror film hybrid in a class of its own.
Low budget charm and downright energetic creativity on display reverse It’s a truly unique flick that draws just as much blood as it flows.
Shaun of the Dead (2004)

If you ask me, and you’ve watched the video by now, which I think you will, the best zombie movie of the 2000s is Edgar Wright’s. Shaun of the Dead. A loving tribute to zombie movies while continuing to craft these distinctive characters and story, Shaun of the Dead A stupid group of Londoners fall into a zombie apocalypse and hilarity ensues.
What makes Shaun of the Dead It’s not just how great the cast and script are, it’s also how the film builds legitimate and engaging characters that surprise you with how much you care about them when the film inserts real drama and conflict into the story.
at this point, Shaun of the Dead It should be a movie that everyone sees. You won’t get a better zombie movie than this.
Fido (2006)

The final entry on our list feels like a bit of a forgotten film at this point and that’s a shame because Fido It’s one of the most creative and clever ideas I’ve ever seen in a zombie movie.
Set in an alternate America inspired by the 1950s, Fido posits the idea that zombies exist and can be used for menial labor, as pets, and even as romantic companions. The basic story revolves around a boy and his dog, the zombie Fido, and how his love for his pet ends up eliminating an oppressive system of societal norms.
seriously! Fido It’s a bright, cheerful film that touches on darker material just the right amount so that it never feels preachy or gets in the way of the film’s good times. If there’s one movie on this list you should look out for, this is it Fido. He’s a very good boy.
What are some zombie movies you like? Let us know in the comments! Want more about some of these films? verify GenreVision Podcast. I recommend our Dead alive episode. And be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel as this ensures we can continue creating videos for all of you.