Several factors beyond our control can influence a person’s longevity, such as age, gender, genetics and family history.
However, lifestyle factors also play a key role. A cardiologist took to TikTok to reveal his best tips for “living longer”, including eating a healthy Mediterranean-style diet.
Dr Alo (also known as @drmohammedalo) suggested that a diet overhaul could be a major key to longevity.
He advised: “Eat a healthier and more nutritious, Mediterranean-style diet. It’s the only diet in the world that has shown that if you follow it, you reduce cardiovascular mortality.

“A typical Mediterranean diet has common elements such as lots of vegetables and fruits”
An article published in the National Library of Medicine says: “The Mediterranean diet is arguably the best-studied and most evidence-based diet for preventing not only cardiovascular disease (CVD) but also other chronic diseases, because it has become the standard in health care. eating and a dietary pattern of particular value.
“The main benefit of the Mediterranean diet appears to be its synergy between various cardio-protective nutrients and foods.
“Indeed, diet and, to a lesser extent, its components have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease through mechanisms such as reducing surrogates of cardiovascular disease such as blood pressure, lipids, endothelial dysfunction, glucose, BMI and waist circumference. providing increased NO bioavailability (ability of nitric oxide to be absorbed, circulated and used by the body), antioxidant properties as well as anti-inflammatory effects.
Those who want to follow a more Mediterranean diet should increase their consumption of several healthy, nutrient-dense foods.
The British Heart Foundation advised: “A typical Mediterranean diet has common elements such as lots of vegetables, fruit, beans, grains and cereal products, for example wholemeal bread, pasta and brown rice.
“It also contains moderate amounts of fish, white meat and some low-fat dairy products and, in some cases, nuts, as well as smaller amounts of red meat and sweet desserts.
“Unsaturated fats like olive oil are used in place of saturated fats like butter, lard or ghee.”
Offering another key tip for longevity, Dr Alo said: “If you’re sick and need medication – like if you’re diabetic or hypertensive, whatever it may be – and you haven’t been able to control this naturally, take your medication. .
“Don’t sit there and think you’re going to make things better unless you make big, meaningful changes.
“Continue taking your medications until you make these changes and are successful and improve.”

Opt for wholemeal bread, pasta and brown rice
Cardiologist’s Tips for Longevity
- Stop all kinds of tobacco
- Keep your saturated fat intake to less than 10 percent of your calories
- Find an exercise program or activity you enjoy and stick with it – mainly aim for weightlifting and some cardio.
- Enjoy a healthy and nutritious Mediterranean-style diet
- Get enough sleep and reduce stress
- If you don’t feel well, take your medication if you can’t control it naturally.
For advice on how to live a healthier life or to address any concerns regarding health and longevity, it is always best to consult your doctor.