Written by Chris Snelgrove | Published

on Buffy the Vampire Slayerthe main character has faced many difficult decisions over the years, but perhaps the hardest was choosing who her heart belonged to: Angel, the vampire possessed by a spirit, or Spike, the vampire bad boy who reluctantly joined the Scooby gang and even obtained a soul of his own.
Discussions about the correct choice continue throughout the community, with shippers encouraging fans of either Bangel (Buffy/Angel) or Spuffy (Spike/Buffy). While fans may never arrive at a definitive answer, Buffy Actress Sarah Michelle Gellar did. In the Ask Me Anything Reddit thread, she chose Angel instead of Spike.
Buffy, Angel and Spike

If you haven’t seen A Buffy episode or you’ve simply watched the occasional rerun, you might want a primer on how Angel and Spike became romantic prospects for Gellar’s character in the first place. In short, Angel has been her love interest since season one, and the show has shamelessly mined the depths of romantic melodrama with a crossover story of a vampire and a vampire slayer who fall in love. Meanwhile, Spike was introduced as an enemy and former assistant to Angel in Season 2, and began to develop feelings for Buffy in Season 5, two seasons after Angel left Sunnydale for his own show.
Buffy didn’t see much of Angel (except for occasional cameos) after his spinoff began, and this spinoff is how Spike became a mainstay of the cast. The resident girl, Cordelia, has also left Buffy He joins Angel as another familiar face in Los Angeles angel. For this reason, showrunner Joss Whedon brings Marsters on a regular basis BuffySeason 4 to fill the hilariously antagonistic role that Cordelia had previously played, though the evil vamp eventually developed feelings for Buffy that culminated in their destructive relationship (both literally and figuratively) in Season 6.

Ironically, that BuffyThe series finale did nothing to quell speculation about whether Sarah Michelle Gellar’s character should end up with Angel or Spike. Earlier in the episode, she had an honest conversation with Angel about her future, confirming that Spike is not a “friend” but is “in my heart.” She admits that she’s not yet ready for a relationship and wasn’t “thinking that far ahead,” but suggests that maybe she and Angel have a future together.
This scene might make you think that Buffy will ultimately choose Angel over Spike, but things get complicated when Spike sacrifices himself to save the world. Just before he died, Buffy told Spike “I love you”, to which he replied “No, you don’t, but thanks for saying that”. Here’s the thing, folks: same thing Buffy The episode, Our Killer involves a romantic future with Angel and She pledged her love to Spike, leaving fans forever wondering who she should have ended up with in the end.
Sarah Michelle Gellar chooses Angel

However, Buffy actress Sarah Michelle Gellar believes that Angel is the only logical choice instead of Spike. In her Reddit AMA, a fan asked “Spike or Angel” and she elaborated on capitalizing “ANGEL.” Later, a Redditor asked the same question and she reiterated her answer: “Still an angel.”
Hearing that the woman who brought Buffy Summers back to life prefers Angel over Spike could be enough to end the ongoing fan fight over the matter. However, in all likelihood, most fans will still pick their battle lines based on everything from which actor had the best performance to which actor has the best hair. That last one’s a little unfair, though… As all Spuffy fans know, Captain Peroxide has the best, and we’ll always bet on this bleached-blonde bear to win Buffy’s heart over Boreanaz’s vampire lap.
source: E! news