On 90 Day Fiancé, Brian Muniz went low on the Say it all when he raised Ingrid RézendeThis is the number of baby daddies to defend its seven commitments. Adnan Abdelfattah continues his screaming nonsense and Nile Valentine he loses it when he pushes it too far. Sunny Mahdi And Veah Netherton admit they broke up but are back together again. And Vanja Grbić has a lot to say on and off stage. Let’s break it all down in this recap of Season 7, Episode 21 Say it all, part 2.
90 Day Fiancé: Brian Muniz Cringe Exposed
On another trail 90 Day Fiancé Says It All, Brian Muniz classlessly slams his ex-girlfriend Ingrid Rezende over having two different baby daddies. Ingrid takes the high road by suggesting that she’s not there to trade bullets with him. Honestly, Brian does a pretty good job of making himself look bad. Even his daughter Briana admits that he’s a little grumpy and might want to slow down when it comes to dating younger women.
Unfortunately, everyone was forced to revisit the infamous night when Brian Muniz was blocked from going downtown. It’s become literal, he said/he said. Brian Muniz suggests that it was Ingrid who wanted to stop to buy condoms. Ingrid defends her position that she didn’t want to risk ending up with an STI like castmate Loren Allen. Who leaked after having a little unprotected fun south of the border. The rest of the cast had varying opinions on what happened, even if Brian didn’t have it.
On 90 Day Fiancé, Brian Muniz found himself in the hot seat. But even behind a video screen, Ingrid Rezende was not spared the wrath of Tigerlily Taylor. Who suggested she was being teased because she wore lingerie that almost exposed her cookie. Rich coming from someone who cried real tears because she couldn’t wear a bikini anymore. It was therefore Ingrid who imposed herself in all this sordid mess.

90 Day Fiancé: Veah Netherton Holds It On
We finally hear Sunny Mahdi and Veah Netherton on the 90 Day Fiancé Say it all. With both being transmitted via video, it’s unclear whether or not they are together. Once the static caused by Adnan Abdelfattah’s hysterical screams leaves host Shaun Robinson’s earpiece, she can ask the couple if they are still together. Veah says yes, actually better than ever. Despite breaking up upon his return to the United States. Sunny says she was seeing someone else and Adnan’s head explodes.
Veah breaks it down into simple terms. Sunny and Veah break up. She went on a date to Disney with her dog sitter. Nothing happened. Not even a kiss on Space Mountain. Adnan Abdelfattah still doesn’t understand and attacks Sunny for having slept with Veah before the wedding. He accuses Veah of being an atheist and of cheating. And Veah Netherton keeps his promises by telling her that he won’t tell her that she doesn’t believe in Jesus. And that Sunny can decide her own limits when it comes to religion. Boom.
Before the 90 Days: Behind-the-Scenes Drama at the Tell-All
The eccentric Mr. Arc makes a video appearance on 90 Day Fiancé. Dressed in elegant Ghanaian tailoring, he supports Niles Valentine and Matilda. But Adnan simply cannot show respect while demanding respect from anyone. He pesters Niles with questions like “do you respect my marriage and my family”? Niles shuts himself down in frustration and leaves the stage. Later, he returns and Mr. Arc asks him to apologize to everyone.
But the drama continues behind the scenes. Adnan goes after Niles and everyone. And Niles confronts him to suggest that he will hurt him for disrespecting him. But security puts a stop to that. Vanja Grbic has fun with Tigerlily Taylor and Adnan backstage. But he gets irritated when Adnan doesn’t want to stay and talk to him once Tigerlily leaves. Vanja attributes this to him not valuing her as a woman. And Tigerlily gives a weak defense saying he just respects their marriage.
90 Day Fiancé Couple Joe Roan and Magda Szlachta reveal that they too are still together. Magda made the trip to the United States and passed the family and friends test with flying colors. But Joe still isn’t ready to ask the question. And gets a well-timed jab at Brian Muniz for proposing 7 times. Joe also admits he risked missing his flight to Poland because of drunken shooters, not his passport. Two down, two to go! See you next time!
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