Written by Drew Andsch | Published
Since pairing with Disney, Marvel movies have captured pop culture to the point where many people seem to forget the earlier times, a world where the MCU’s messaging carried no meaning except “municipal credit union.”
While Marvel’s Disney era has embraced and incorporated some superhero efforts in the past, like the pre-MCU Spider-Man films or Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, there are many older Marvel films and TV shows that seem to be okay with leaving in the dust.
An iconic Marvel character is seeing their entire film history disappear to modern generations and I’m here to do my best to see that doesn’t happen. This is why we need to save the Punisher movies.
The Punisher’s origins begin with Spider-Man

The Punisher is a controversial characterThat puts it lightly. Oddly enough, it was shown for the first time Amazing Spider-Man #129 just five months before the 1974 shooting film Death wish. The Crippler – real name Frank Castle – is a deadly vigilante who wages a deadly war against crime in New York City.
After gaining sudden popularity with readers and the title of his own comic, The Punisher made his way to the big screen in 1989 with his first feature film. The problems started there.
The first Punisher movie came out in 1989 and starred Dolph Lundgren

1989 Punisher The film was produced by New World Pictures, a studio headed by the beloved and critically acclaimed Roger Corman. Punisher It would end up being the second to last film produced by New World due to their financial problems. It means too Punisher It was unable to secure theatrical distribution in the United States, where it settled for a direct-to-video release two years after it premiered in international markets.
Rocky IV Dolph Lundgren starred as Frank Castle, and while I admit there’s a legitimate penchant for Lundgren’s brand of acting, it’s fair to say Punisher Not his finest moment as an administrator.

It doesn’t help that the iconic logo of the Vulture has been removed from his clothing for the benefit of the Skullfall denizens. Director Mark Goldblatt publicly regrets this decision, and I’m sure fans agree.
In the 1980s crime flick, Punisher Not a bad time. The film gained a cult following over the years, proving that the Punisher Force was still poised to take over the movie world.
The Punisher returned for another film in 2004

Frank Castle had another shot at the box office in 2004, once again called The Punisher. On the heels of the Big Comic Book Boom that introduced Blade, the X-Men, and Spider-Man, The Punisher is set to be a notch in the Marvel Bigbetger’s belt.
The film even flopped at the box office, opening in second place behind it Kill Bill: Volume 2. This is Boomer, as Punisher (2004) is a big step up from the previous film. Thomas Jane is excellent as Frank Castle and truly cares about doing the character justice – so much so that he even returned to the character in a short film eight years after the actual film.
Punisher (2004) takes inspiration from the Garth Ennis Comic Book with the character, and the film does a good job of maintaining the comic book tone. John Travolta as the villain is underwhelming, but Thomas Jane’s portrayal and strong direction from Jonathan Henselli are excellent Make the punishment (2004) is much better than its reputation would lead you to believe.
Unfortunately, when your Marvel movie is released two months early Spider-Man 2You are very much sol.
Punisher: Warzone rebooted the character back in 2008

Since the Thomas Jane version didn’t conquer the box office, we got a reboot four years later Punisher: Warzone. Here the Punisher has reached his full form. because Punisher: Warzone It’s a blast.
Taking further inspiration from Garth Ennis’ Over-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-there Punisher: Warzone Director Lexi Alexander intentionally wanted to inject more sarcasm and dark comedy into the project, and the film is all the better for it.
Dominic West, as the villain Fusion, gives a performance as bad as he got in an episode of the 1960s Batman show. It’s great. I could watch him in this makeup and goofy accent for days.

That’s not to say that Ray Stevenson doesn’t do a great job as a very focused and minimalist Frank Castle. He gets the tone in every moment, whether it’s a bit of dark comedy or a real emotional beat. It’s very sad that Stevenson didn’t get another shot with Frank Castle because he hears the dark pleasure of the character so well.
And any movie that involves parkour gangsters exploding from a rocket is my idea of a good time.

Unfortunately, Punisher: Warzone It once again proved a killer hit for the character at the box office, opening at #8. Frank Castle just couldn’t catch a break.
Some Vulture movies are erased and can no longer be watched

So, we have three significantly different takes on the Punisher in the movies, and each one has its own merits and fans. But it may be difficult to find and create new fans as all three films are left in the digital dust.
As of this registration, Punisher: Warzone – A movie that I claim is better than any MCU movie, that will get us talking in the comments – Only has streaming availability on Plutotv in Standard definition. Otherwise, you will have to rent or buy the movie to watch.

At least, Punisher: Warzone Available on most popular VOD services. Punisher (2004) is only available for rent or purchase through the obscure streaming service Fandango at Home. No other digital interface in the US seems to carry it.
Punisher (1989) is not available on any digital storefronts at all. You will either have to track down a physical copy or purchase a digital copy in ways that will make Frank Castle look at you like a criminal.
Jon Bernthal’s Punishment is the only marvel he wants you to see

If you want any Punisher to flow easily, it will be your only access Punisher TV series. With Marvel committed to their MCU versions of their characters, Jon Bernthal has taken up the mantle of the Punisher and will likely be the only Punisher many younger fans will see in cinema.
Honestly, this sucks. Part of what makes comic book characters great is that different writers and artists offer creative takes and approaches to long-running characters and how they are portrayed. I don’t want to live in a world where only one version of Batman is recognized. I want as many different and unique stories and ideas as possible to have a chance in the spotlight.
The same applies to punishment. All three films deserve their fans, and they could use more.