Written by Robert Scotchi Posted

One of the legitimate concerns of parents is that their child or children will grow up to become completely psychological patients with a tendency to anti -society or violence or both. For Melinda Beige Hamilton Abe Bell in 2020 Mom mothers mothersThe worst nightmare becomes the truth when her son Jacob (Billy Edwards) becomes 16 -year -old to the extent that she decides to create a complex network of nanny cameras in her home to document all his movements. Using the method of photographing the founded shots, for TUCIA LYMAN Mothers of monsters She focuses on the life of a mother and her son through fragmented video blogs in an attempt to determine whether Jacob’s behavior is the result of nature or upbringing or a mixture of these two things.
While I fully enjoyed sitting Mothers of monsters, It is one of the exciting horror movies that I may only see once because of its heavy theme, but I cannot recommend more if you are looking to enter footage found that would bother you to the point of wanting to install the cameras in it every room in your home next time that Your child is involved in doubtful behavior.
Abe has all the right to be infected with greatness

Mothers of monsters He was framing through the perspective of Abe Bell, a middle -aged mother who has a reason to believe that her son Jacob is a psychopath. For fear that his behavior will eventually escalate to the extent of a shooting crime at school, Abe becomes increasingly frustrated because Jacob – between his documented anger attack Seriously according to most traditional criteria.
By downloading her video blogs to a cloud servant as a way to warn other fathers who live in similar circumstances, Abe tells her viewers that Jacob may outperform his treatment, and he knows how to act normally in public places because he masters the art of behaving like “Jacob the fake” whenever he needs Keeping up appearances. Abe never fails to show the receipts of her allegations, and often reconsidering home films dating back to when Jacob was a child where he was accused of killing the pet family and violently disposing of children of his age.
While Jacob shows reckless and unnatural behavior, such as throwing bricks from a crowded upper bridge at traffic below (for fun) or doing so. donkeyLike home movies with his friends, which includes wearing a dog -intended shock collar, it definitely seems to attack his mother to always keep him at an arm distance.
Nature or upbringing or both?

What makes Mothers of monsters Such an enchanting watch is that Abe is not necessarily a reliable figure despite the fact that she records every interaction that she conducts with her son against his knowledge. Abe, who has justifies her concerns about her son (albeit a little exaggerated), also suffers from a number of mental illnesses that have not been treated and resulted from previous shocks related to her older brother who spent similarly to Jacob when he was just a teenager. . The Abi camera shots are completely expressive, as its drug box is full of medical prescriptions that you may take or not take according to the instructions, and it has a habit of drinking, which leads to fainting on the sofa more than once. suitable.
Moreover, when Abi’s mother or her psychotherapist suggests that she may exaggerate her reaction to Jacob’s pathological curiosity about animal anatomy or the installation of stocks of shocks on his air heat, she is completely silent because she is sure that her son is a psychological patient, and does not want to hear. Any inputs indicate otherwise.
Abe has already made her decision, and you will find yourself wondering whether she was at least responsible for Jacob’s escalating behavior.
You will be left to guess until the credits are over

Family dynamics in Mothers of monsters It is a buried treasure in showing a completely dysfunctional family dynamic that makes you wonder who is really wrong. There will be moments in which you will find that Jacob’s behavior is justified because of the way his mother treats him – he just wants to play video games and harm his friends without thinking about the consequences, while his mother is always in a state of tension because she believes that he is. A collective killer in the form of training. His ties can be removed as hormonal or reaction because he knows that his mother believes that he is a child who has problems, and it is up to the viewer to find out any copy of the Jacob that we already see on the screen.
when Mothers of monsters With the progress of the third chapter, you will find yourself asking more questions about the relationship of Abe and Jacob with the continued escalation of things. While a clearer picture appears to Jacob through the founded shots, Abe’s style of raising children only makes the situation fluctuating.
Live broadcast mom mothers monsters

Mothers of monsters It provides an anxious look at the life of the mother who loves her son without restriction or condition, but her actions may be an unintended contributor to the problems she faces.
Is Abe an innocent victim to be manipulated by her 16 -year -old son? Or is Jacob a teenager of his understanding while he was about to collapse because he knows that his mother has already made her decision on him?
If you want to answer these questions, you can broadcast or Mothers of monsters Free on Tubi to this writing.