The best doctor in Canada says she is concerned about measles Epidemics with an increasing number of cases acquired locally and spread in Ontario and Quebec.
The Dre Theresa Tam says that the majority of recent infections reported in Canada were one of non -vaccinated people, including many children and infants under one.
Tam says that everyone who has been recently infected were exposed to measles in Canada, rather than international travel, which was the initial source.
Health Canada reported eight measles on January 11, but local public health units published more recent figures with a much higher number of cases.
Ontario Public Health has reported 38 cases of measles – 12 confirmed and 26 probable – January 15 linked to an exhibition of out -of -provinces in New Brunswick. Grand Erie Public Health also reported a new case of measles Wednesday in a child who recovers at home.

On Tuesday, Quebec Health Managers reported 16 cases of very contagious infection.

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Tam says that measles can spread “very quickly” and warn 90% of people who are not vaccinated or those who have not had an earlier infection will fall sick if they are near someone who has it.
Measles is an air disease and in rare cases can cause respiratory failure, swelling of the brain and death.
“I fear that the vaccination rates for measles in children will not be high enough in certain regions of Canada to prevent the spread of measles,” TAM said in a statement on Wednesday.
A study published in the Canadian Journal of Public Health in October revealed a drop in measles vaccination coverage from two to seven years before, during and after the COVVI-19 pandemic.
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