Written by Chris Senelgov Published

In a world Bouvay is a fatal vampireThe hair color is an easy way to tell who it is. For example, among the first trio of female characters, the leading Lady Buffy is a bold blond, a brunette woman, and the row is reserved. However, actress Willo Alison Hanigan later revealed that all the three women were originally the same hair shades and jumped at the Jose and Weiden’s offer to give one member of this exciting triple red.
Willow chose her hair color

He has not managed and recorded any offers before Bouvay is a fatal vampireBut it was smart enough even at the time to know that the masses needed easy ways to distinguish the characters from each other. according to Foolish The star Alison Hanigan, her scratch personality only, succeeded only the color of her iconic red hair after she expressed and insults her fears that she, Sarah Michel Giler, and Cariesma Carptter, “a kind of shade” of brown hair. He asked, “Does anyone want to be red,” and Hanigan says it is, “I went for it.”
while Foolish Showrunner might have not been thinking about this extent, as Willow Red Color was given an ideal choice for her personality. Culturally, red hair was often linked to an unlimited, and even amazing violent. In the first seasons of the show, though, Willo was not like that, as her character coincided with the model obsessive of the series.
Why, then, was Foolish Showrunner decision to give Willow a perfect red hair color? She mainly came out of her shell throughout the series, which is something that the third season episode predicted, as she faced a vampire version of itself from a different dimension.

This version was a tempting skin mother who used sex as a weapon, and while this incarnation of willow was closer to the top, this incarnation of willow was much closer to the continuous stereotype of red heads as attractive coasts. Willow’s Auburn Mane made the character of vampires and her wardrobe wardrobe more persuasive, and her hair color was more perfect because herself has become a little more similar to vampires.
while Bouvay is a fatal vampire Willow did not put the regular Willow in the DOMME clothes of the Vampire version outside that episode, also helped her red hair sell some of the developments of the vampire plot later. Her friend Tara jokingly told her that she is “not big with a booth”, but in her dynamic relationship, Tara becomes more than the Mousa girl who was Willo in the first season, and Willo becomes a charming charger in her growing power. Certainly, these stereotypes about being red violence seem to bear when it becomes a big bad waleu for the sixth season (although in fairness, her hair becomes black when she is completely evil).
Does this mean that Bouvay is a fatal vampire Jose and write down all these moments of characters and conspiracy developments when Alison Hanigan jumped to the opportunity of red hair color? Of course not. Even the biggest fans of the show can admit that a lot of this was developed on flying, which is a large part of the reason that the sixth season is such a hot chaos that was barely saved by musical rings and the rotation of magical heels. However, it ended with red hair to be perfect for her personality, and it is only appropriate to be magic when it comes to our favorite witches on the screen.