Written by Chris Senelgov Published

Critical consensus is in: Section 31The latest Star Trek movie is the worst official in the privilege. We are now at the point where many fans are trying to know the error that happened, but it is not difficult to know who is blame. In fact, the perpetrator, the perpetrator, said by accident what happened in an interview with him recently. Alex Kurstmann recently told Trek that Section 31 It was presented on the assumption that the future Utopia of Jane Rodenberry cannot be created only with the help of the clinical workers who defend it behind the scenes.
Alex Kurstmann does not get it

During the interview, Alex Kurstmann did not photograph words regarding the creative thesis Section 31. He said: “What we say is that for Starfleet and that the beautiful vision that Roddenberry had a optimistic Utopia …” Frankly, these words coming from the initial creative power behind Nutrek explained the reason for this last movie this flip and why the concession fell away from the rises I enjoyed once.
While Alex Kurstan was discussing a soul Section 31He pointed out that Trek has always provided symbols on the real world and that the last movie has been partially renewed to answer questions such as “Who must be to protect our freedoms?” And “What to do to protect our freedoms?” It seemed enthusiastic because the new movie will help explore somewhere called the “Gray District”, but by mistake the depths of his stupidity because these questions were asked and unlimited in Ronald Morers BATLESTAR GALACTICA.
Battlestar galactica verb

Everyone, with the exception of the smallest American Star Trek, knows that we have already achieved this security debate in exchange for freedom in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks. There was a lot of retreat at the time about what we were ready to do to preserve the nation’s spirit, and the answer was simple. We allowed the government to spy on us, and allow the army to invade the wrong country (twice!), And let ourselves turn a blind eye to the taxpayer who finances torture (Oh, excuse him, “improved interrogation”) for anyone who throws it as an indefinitely without trial in the comfortable prison in Outside.
A long time before Alex Kurstman decided to torture Star Trek fans with Section 31 The film, anyone with half an ounce of intelligence and sympathy has already discovered that the correct response to an attack is meaningless no To attack others meaningless and that the nation’s spirit cannot be largely highly elevated if it is alive only through invasion, torture and killing. One of these people was Ronald Moore, who BATLESTAR GALACTICA Reboot had many similarities with American Hysteria after 11/11, where our heroes dealt with the genocide near their entire race at the hands of the elegant automatic.

The exhibition constantly used its science fiction article to explore crunchy concepts about whether it is worth preserving humanity if those who remain cold and aromatic are like potential butchers. We have seen our personalities struggle with both morals and the consequences of actions such as the torture of enemy agents in the name of the Great Good. While it was rarely accurate, GalacticaThe bidder always explains that this was awesome The things that are exposed to the souls of everyone who participated, and destroy the same things that these characters have identified to preserve.
This is the problem with Alex Kurstmann Section 31It works backwards that the union deserves to maintain all costs literally, and for this reason we end up with a film where we are supposed to root in Hitler space and its team. In the mind of Kurstmann, everything they do and the rest of section 31 justifies it because it maintains this perfect utopia. Unfortunately, he does not have the wisdom to reach the most rational conclusion of Ronald Moore: that Utopia is not truly Utopia if it is alive by the unethical shadow organization that embodies the opposite of everything that our heroes are supposed to defend.
There are a lot of other problems with Alex Kurstmann in general and Section 31 In particular, but it is wonderful (borrowing the term from Spok) that he has accidentally admitted that the biggest problem ever. Nutrek is not Star Trek because he went to the concepts that work In full It contradicts the dreams of Jin Rodenberry. And if people who run tree tick are not able to keep his soul alive, how can they dare to expect us to keep this moldy concession alive?
source: Journey