Written by Robert Scotchi Published

While we are all waiting Strange things To see his fifth and final season at some point in this decade, I decided that it would be a good step to check the last Millie Bobby Bobon, Girl.
Although I admit that I am not an expert in this type of imagination, I appreciate this original in Netflix because building the world story and the novel of linear stories makes an enjoyable experience that does not require much heavy lifting. Simple hypothesis, Girl Perhaps it will not be considered a dark fantastic masterpiece in any extension of imagination, but rather an adequate entry point and imagination for the informal scenes to verify Sunday lazy.
Girl The plot is so simple that it looks like a fictional tourism, which I do not consider an accusation because you can only hit “play”, see the thing, enjoy the beautiful colors, and move forward in your life without having to jump the messaging board to empty it.
From the girl in distraction to a champion in Cly

Girl It focuses on Millie Bobby Brown Ilodi, who is being sold to the Uyuri family for marriage as an economic strategy. The money paid to the father of Illoudi, Lord Bayford (Ray Winston), because of her willingness to marry the son of Queen Isabel (Robin Wright), Prince Henry (Nick Robinson), is a sufficient reason to form this union because the Kingdom of Bayford is in a state of economic turmoil, and people are hungry. Initially, Eloudi urges her reservations on the union after her father, Lady Bayford (Angela Basset), urges her to cancel the wedding because there is something that he does not sit with.
Fortunately, Lady Bayford was right to concern because after a wedding after a short period of the wedding, Prince Henry and Alaudi performs a blood agreement, and Henry throws Elodi in the dragon hideout, whose plan was all the time. Elodi realizes that she is just a girl who can be eliminated for the Audia family, and she knows that she was always aiming to sacrifice the Dragon who lives under her kingdom, and that her blood shed will remain in an unlimited position. Looking at the number of other princesses that Elodie finds while planning them, it is reasonable to assume that the Aurea family was performing these rituals somewhat frequently, and for centuries.

Not wanting to go quietly at night good without an epic battle, Elodie combines any of the resources that he can to overcome the dragon and escape from the dragon, which mocks the sound of gravel because at this stage of his life, this game is just a game for him. Healing her wounds with incandescent silk worms, and consulting a map left by princesses previously sacrificed, Elodie turns from the girl in distress into Badz from the top of the arrangement when she realizes how bad with her family is to sell their daughter to marry under the mistake of allegations. Almost immediately, Elodie treats treason, returns to her feet, and has a look at her face saying, “You are with the wrong family.”
If you are wondering how this face might look, this is very similar to the eleven face Strange things When she realizes that her friends are in danger, and she is about to suffer psychological madness on any strength of evil waiting for her.
Creatures in broad daylight?

As for special effects and cinematography, I must say I like it Girl delivery. It is not only the temporary natural shots of both amazing and size, but rather the complexity of the structure of the Aurea kingdom is beautiful to look before the narration of the underground stories and to a complex network on an equal footing of caves and tunnels. The color contrast between the facts makes a charming visual experience never wandering in its overlap.
Addressing the dragon in the room, what caused my admiration more Girl His willingness to show his secular opponent in the light, which is not usually the case in modern products with CGI. In my experience, whenever another creature is created in the world, they often leave in the shade because it is easier to tend to the viewer’s imagination instead of showing the monster directly. However, it is clear that the dragon is in Girl It is created by the computer, but I can’t say that it was removed from the movie at all.
The girl’s flow on Netflix

If you are a fan of competing imagination, Girl You may not like you because there is frankly not a lot of meat to tell stories. But if you are an unofficial symptom like me, you will enjoy this movie for what it is: a dark fictional movie with a big budget with some of the dangerous strengths that you can throw on TV and enjoy it with your family. Millie Bobby Brown is an accredited bond, and I can’t even wait Strange things He wraps because I know that she will continue to grow as an actress who is not afraid to try new things.
Girl The original Netflix can be broadcast with an active subscription.