Written by Chris Senelgov Published

Recently, the deadline broke what is already the most surprising year’s news: Sarah Michel Gilar will return to the title of its famous restart in the classic nineties. Bouvay is a fatal vampire. Details on this matter are still scattered, although describing this “next chapter in Buffyverse” means that it will be appointed in the same world as the original show. This is a large part of the reason for this Foolish It is scheduled to succeed: because it will build a series that left the door wide open to continue.
Buffy Restarting after the seventh season

some Foolish Fans do not like the seventh season, but the offer in the end is a large part of the reason that this restart will be likely to be a great success. Each of the traditions of this universe was that only one Slayer was active at the same time and blessed all the power that came with it. In the final series, Buffy managed to fully launch this force, while giving “capabilities” all over the world the same group of high -level powers that I used to defend Sunnydale from evil over the years.
Although we do not know exactly the direction that the new offer will take, it is a largely safe bet that Buffy herself is not the main character. In fact, you will definitely be a personality -like character for one or more killers who need instructions. Thanks to the original Foolish The final, this aspect of restarting will be logical because we know the fact that this imaginary world was full of young girls who have acquired, overnight, the forces that can turn them into heroes or bad guys. Either way, this world will need the veteran presence of Bofi, the killer who has more experience than any of the rest.
Do not make a mistake in Picard

Assuming Foolish Reboot is going this way, and it seems that it will be a better start than its closest counterpart: Star Trek: Picard. This was Paramount+ also A revival of the kind of the beloved band that everyone loved in the nineties appears, and has a character whose title is identified as a figure of an older teacher for a new generation of heroes. However, many trips fans ball In this first season because it changed everything we love in Picard (including his hatred to convert Anderds into slaves) in order to make him in this way suddenly needs to return to work to save today.
In terms of narration, this is a great way to restore a person to return to work, which is why it is a safe bet that Foolish Restart will only do it for our favorite killer. However, Pavi does not have to lose its ideals and put it like Picard. Instead, you simply need to be what was at the end of the series: only one of the killer in a world in which hundreds or even thousands of others participate.
It will be perfect if the Puffy personality and morals remain the same, but she had to ride the herd on a new crop of killers who, in the Silicon Valley language, just want to move quickly and break things. However, the book is Foolish Reboot has a lot of materials to benefit from, including some deadly comic stories that (at the present time, at least). And if the exhibition can disrupt some other returning actors (none of them is confirmed yet), we can finally know if Buffy has ended with Angel, Spike or anyone else completely (although if Riley, Fandom RIOT) may be) .
This Buffy fan has hope

Kneeling Bouvay is a fatal vampire A fan of teenagers (joined Postal lists To receive VHS records before my city finally get WB!), I have great hopes for this restart. This is important because I saw another revival like Fraser Failure, I have seen Picard The legacy of the title is destroyed almost before sticking to the fall in its last season. The world of television restart is, frankly, something from the end of the world at the present time, but it is better than Pavi Samers to move in it and save the world again?
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