Written by Chris Senelgov Published

X. It contains many great supporting characters, but nothing is like only like the only gunmen, which is the triple of the Nerde computer that often helps Fox Mulder. It is not difficult to know the reason for the popularity of these characters. After all, “Computer NERDY” describes a lot of fans base, especially in the nineties when the show was new. Fans, who always see themselves, may be reflected in the only gunman, especially fascinated by the knowledge that these obsessions were inspired by some theoretical attendees at UFO conferences.
The only real gunmen

When the only gunmen were introduced in the first season episode “EBE”, no one had any reason to believe that they depended on real people … in fact, no one knows if these characters would appear another appearance. This was definitely true for the episode’s book, Glen Morgan and James Wong, who thought they had done badly with this episode until they learned how much the fans on the Internet loved these new characters. Morgan was the one who later revealed that the only gunmen were inspired by three real people who met them at the UFO conference, which he attended shortly before the start of writing for him. X..
He attended this agreement along with Marilyn Osporen, who continued to have an unforgettable writing X-Files “Forms” episode. Morgan claims that this trio of conspiracy theorists left a impression of him, and as soon as he started writing in this series, he thought of himself, “Well, these people must get here somewhere.” He wanted to write them in the offer earlier and regret it, “It took a long time to enter them.”
If you are more than just a MULDER, you may be skeptical about the only amount of militants we saw on the screen resembles the real men who Glen Morgan faced at the UFO conference. After all, these favorite X-Files characters are legendary, so it is natural that we believe that their characters or behaviors were exaggerated compared to their realistic counterparts. However, Morgan is determined that this is not the case and that “I put them almost literally in the story.”

In fact, the only armed armed with “EBE” was directly inspired by the strange from Tio Real Nerd in the UFO agreement. According to the DVD features of this episode, Glen Morgan and James Wong was particularly affected by the true professionals who gave a speech on how everyone’s money is gathered and nobody knows that. This moment inspired in the episode in which Bayers disintegrates a 20 dollar bill, a fun trick on the screen was so difficult that the actor Fruhike Bruce Harwood ended up destroying (in Morgan’s estimate) about $ 120 of bills before obtaining them.
Perhaps the only gunmen seemed to be the largest trio of the conspiracy theorists when they appeared in “EBE”, but it turned out that they were directly inspired by the real attendees in the UFO agreement with similar great personalities. This makes these beloved women like most of the best X-Files Stories: a mixture of truth and imagination. As for those present, strange bodies, we doubt, like the truth, they are still there and we hope that they will be proud of the iconic pop cultures that they inspired.