Written by Chris Senelgov Published

If you have to describe Ronald Moore BATLESTAR GALACTICA Repeat it for an unprecedented person, it is likely to use terms such as “brood”, “serious” or even “Brezel TV”. It is possible that the last description that has been applied at all is “funny”, as this show is treated in very dark phrases with a story about humanity facing complete extinction. The only exception, though, is a strangely funny season episode, “Tight Me Up, Tight Me Down”, but it turns out that this wide comedy was originally a dangerous, fatal episode inspired by the successful movie Tidal.
Lift me,

If some time has passed since I watched this Frakkin episode, here is what is happening: In “Tight Me up, Tight Me Download”, the AR. The newly completed Baltar in the Cylon detector and a plot B from the discovery of the surprise of the Separate wife of Tig. These could have been very heavy plot points, but they are often played for laughter … for example, a six -in -header is a sexual motivation, causing Starbook (which the other woman cannot see) to assume Baltar masturbates. And the wife of Tig is very strange, the young captain captain Adama during dinner and generally behaves like hot chaos (very sugar).
At that time, it was very surprising that BATLESTAR GALACTICA Has a comedy episode ever occurred amid all the dark horror of the first season? And “Tight Me Up, Tight Me Download” is more prominent in the past because the show has never tried to make another comic episode again. We could only ask what happened here, and as it turned out, this episode was originally imagined GalacticaIn honor of three submarine with greatness.
Originally, the main struggle of the episode would have come to Adam and suspected the other suspected of being a secret. Baltar is likely to play a role in such a story, and the “Tight Me Up, Tight Me Download” version has an echo of this original idea when we see how the leader Adama and President Roslin are skeptical of each other. It is appropriate, that this episode had a different title at that time: “Secrets and Lie”.
Things change

So, what happened to the idea of doing a dangerous honor Tidal? According to Ronald Moore, “We just came out of a very heavy, dark and disturbing episode -” This “body and blood”, as Starbook violently tormented Kilon for information that could save many lives. If he had grabbed the original plot of “Tight Me up, Tight Me Download”, it would be “a very annoying episode, very dark and very vigilant (somewhat) as the leading figures began to direct weapons to each other”
Moore stares at the possibility of two crazy rings backward, More took a kind of difficult leadership decision that would have made the leader a proud Adam. “I just decided, well, only let us. He said,” Let’s not do the dark link and costume, “he decided that this is the perfect time” experience of a different tone. “
It was a strong decision, and the laughs presented by the final version of “Tight Me up, Tight Me Download” were a great opposite point for the soluble plot (in more than one way) of “meat and bones”. But like the basins, Moore was a hidden motivation. In addition to the desire for a muffled laugh for the audience, he wanted to “know if the show can bear something lighter.” And he decided that the best way to do such a test is that “trying something closer to comedy, or closer to comedy Galactica It is possible to withstand. “
clearly, BATLESTAR GALACTICA I did more than to bear This story. The show continued to present three other seasons (yes, it should be said) TV is prestige after that. It was given, those seasons were more in line with the depression of “meat and blood” more than the amazing laughter than “Tight Me up, Tight Me Download”. This makes us more grateful because the show was at least one This made us laugh a budget against an entire chain that made us cry mostly.