The flu is increasing in Canada. Here is what you need to know – National Aitrend

If you are grouped in blankets, fighting against a fever and feeling pain, you are not alone. Flu hasBetter known as the flu, is increasing.

The flu is increasing in Canada. Here is what you need to know – National


Influenza cases have increased in recent weeks, according to the Canada Public Health Agency (PHAC). As of February 1, 21.2% of tests came back positive for the flu, against 16.91% the previous week.

In Canada, the flu season generally takes place from November to April, and although anyone can take the flu, the virus can sometimes cause serious complications – even death, which is why the experts underline the Importance of the annual flu vaccine.

Compared to last year’s period, the Phac data show that influenza cases were boosted much later than in previous seasons. During the 2022 to 2023 season, cases culminated at the end of November, while last year, the peak arrived at the end of December.

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This influenza season also seems to return to a more “pre-cook” model, the cases increasing at the end of January and early February, explained Christopher Labos, cardiologist and epidemiologist of Montreal.

“The flu is always a little different each year because it is a different virus,” he told Global News. “But during Covid, there was a lot of disruption of the normal circulatory models of viruses, like the RSV during the summer and the start earlier and the end earlier. So there was a little variability in 2021, 2022 and 2023. ”

Since COVID-19 has disrupted many viruses, this may explain why recent flu seasons culminated much earlier or later than usual. Labos believes that this current season is more in accordance with pre-cook flu models, where peaks generally occur in January.

It is not known when cases decrease, added Labos, but predicted a tray in the coming weeks, because a warmer weather helps end the flu season.

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Fluing is a contagious respiratory disease that infects the nose, throat and sometimes lungs, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC).

There are two main types that cause seasonal flu in humans: flu A and flu B. Flu A is more common and can cause more serious epidemics, while influenza B tends to be softer but contributes Always in the flu season.

Currently, in Canada, Phac data show that flu has dominated, representing 94.2% of all cases in Canada.

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The flu spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or to speak. These droplets can land in the mouth or nose of people nearby. He can also spread by touching the contaminated surfaces, then touching the face.

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Health issues: respiratory season

It can be difficult to differentiate between flu symptoms and other respiratory diseases like COVID-19, said Labos.

“There is a lot of overlap between symptoms. You may be guessing if you have very widespread myalgia-painful muscle pain compatible with flu, “he said. “If you have a very, very bad throat, it could be more consistent with Covid. But there is no reliable way to know. You have to test.

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Flu symptoms may vary from person to person, According to Health Canada. Symptoms generally appear one to four days after exposure to the virus and include:

  • fever
  • cough
  • muscle pain and pain
  • chills
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • loss of appetite
  • flowing or clogged

Children can also suffer from diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

The symptoms most often declared this flu season include cough and fever, according to Phac.

Click to play the video: `` Medic minute: reminders and remedies of the cold and the flu season ''

Medical minute: reminders and remedies of the cold and flu season

Who is most at risk of flu?

The elderly and immunocompromised and those who suffer from preexisting health problems are the most at risk of serious cases and hospitalization.

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Phac data show that the majority of influenza epidemics in Canada (65.1%) have been reported in long -term care establishments. Others include retirement homes and active care.

However, while young healthy individuals can generally recover from the flu at home, the labs have stressed that many people underestimate how serious the flu.

“If you are young and in good health, you will probably survive the flu and you may be able to browse the symptoms at home,” he said. “But you will feel muscle pain, and they can be disabling. Thus, even young and healthy young people can have a fairly serious symptomatology.

He added that flu can be a very serious virus, winning thousands of lives each year.

Although the influenza cases are increasing, Phac said that the level of weekly hospitalizations linked to the virus has generally been stable in recent weeks.

Since August 25, 2024, a total of 76 deaths associated with the flu have been reported in Canada.

Symptoms of flu can often be managed at home with a lot of rest, staying hydrated with liquids like water and using over -the -counter medications to reduce fever and body pain, said Phac. Most people recover from the flu in seven to 10 days.

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In some cases, a health care provider may prescribe antiviral drugs, especially if you have serious symptoms or are more at risk of complications.

Over -the -counter cough and influenza medicine should not be given to children under the age of six, unless otherwise indicated by a health professional.

You should go to the emergency room if the symptoms of the flu becomes serious, added Phac. In adults, warning panels include difficulty breathing, chest pain, confusion, persistent dizziness, severe dehydration or high fever that will not drop.

For children, monitor rapid or troubled breathing, bluish skin or lips, extreme drowsiness, irritability, fever with a rash or signs of dehydration such as dry mouth and no urination for several hours.

Babies of less than three months should be seen if they have a fever, difficulty in food, difficulty breathing or unusual drowsiness.

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The impact of the so-called “quadmic”

The first line of defense against the flu is the flu, said Labos. With increasing cases, he suggests that anyone who has not been vaccinated should always get it, because it is not too late.

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“If you are going to be in a high -risk situation or public transport, such as an airplane, if you are going to be in a place where you breathe the same air with a lot of different people and you are at high risk, I would wear a mask, “he added.

And of course, washing your hands frequently with soap and water is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs.

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