Written by Drew Andh to update
Matrix It is an unprecedented piece of folk art, undoubtedly, continued to inspire countless creations of other artists, in the same way that Wachowskis themselves inspired by themselves a variety of science fiction and philosophical pieces of human artistic works.

in the wake of MatrixGreat success, its effect will not be inevitable at the box office for more than a decade, whether through direct satirical simulation or the heroes of the movement suddenly wears black leather coats and sunglasses, though this code Do that and “lead time” before MatrixSo I cannot include it technically code In this list, but go watching code because code It is the 5 best movie Marvel and I love more than Blade II. A crazy man called me in the comments!
Once you are done, let’s take a look at the classification of films that condemn very clear debts Matrix And the seizure of pop culture.
8. The underworld (2003)

There is a reason The underworld It is in the lower spot. It is not a great movie, but it is an important movie when talking about some of the largest personal files yet-Matrix Movies, and they are not completely without an advantage. Just give me a little time to explain.
I think you are an intelligent exhibitor enough to be able to see some … Let’s call them, “visual echoes” from Matrix In some The underworldTechnical approach. Does this seem far away from the saying, “tear” so that I don’t get a group of angry fans in the comments or the prosecution of Lin Weizmann?
Look, I just get one terrifying type remotely in this list. These are the rules! I hope to get more but YouTube You can get angry with us when we do horror things. I cannot get Constantine On this list for reasons you already get to know, therefore The underworld It wins another alternative to Constantine and code. Which is both.
The underworld It does not judge, but it is not disgusting as most critics think. Kate Beckensel is a strong superheroes that fall in love with a well -heart wolf. Yes, it is Romeo and Juliet With fangs, fur and a lot of 2000s Matrix A position with some of Alex Browias Rush It was thrown for good.
It is a good movie if it is a magical historian. I have seen this type of horror work that was worse. Remember I, Frankstein? You don’t have to. But I do. I do.
7. required (2008)

A loose adaptation to Mark Milar and JG JONS, required The concept of the main matrix story of the cabin loser, who discovers that it is actually a wonderful bond that can do it can do fun things. In this film, it bends them. OOO, look at the bullet curve! What a winding bullet.
All seriously, required He has a lot of sure style in his fictional work from the courtesy of director Timor Bekambtov, who made another Hor … Ah, the movie “Film” stirring the dark imagination, NightThis can be almost in this list as well! Just go to show that the aroma of the elegant work required You will not let you want, even if the conspiracy is beautiful. But hey, James is a fight with an explosion. I am always here for that.
Perhaps because no … Oh, I said the word. Go ahead, editor. He punished me. Perhaps because he did not produce any sequence or a victim that fell to any other concession, required Sharia worship has grown and deserves to be followed up. I still want to watch a movie or display the treatment of the original comic idea, as the high benefits invaded the planet, then erasing the minds of the population and any history of the superheroes.
But I must move because this looks little less Matrix-It focuses, although this is a kind of what machines do for humans: they made them live in a fictional world while they are exposed to dolls by the invisible forces that literally control in reality.
Hey, there are some Matrix Go in comic as well, so read that too! I just know it is from Kings O man so that you do not get angry with me if you hate that.
6. X-Men (2000)

The less they say about the manager of Scumbag X-MenThat was better. This is outside the road, it is clear again how black leather Matrix Aesthetic had an effect on bringing Marvel’s mutations to the large screen.
It was a big discussion point for the masses how colored caricatures were traded for something that Trinity had chosen from her digital wardrobe.
Though X-Men It was almost excellent like a continuation or subsequent entries in the privilege, however, it sold the idea of the science fiction to the masses all over the world.
It is expelled by the city alone from the garden. Some certainly have a terrible dialogue frankly, but the actors are locked in and committed in a way that made them a repetition of the X-Men men for a whole generation. I can sing praise every member of the main actors team, but Patrick Stewart and Ian Mackelin alone make my cause for me.
There are many reasons for feeling enthusiastic to reconsider these X-Men movies, and I completely understand anyone who does not want to see them again. Just do not judge those of us who still find good in it, even the first one.
5. anomaly (2010)
Editor, I will restore this because it should be an easy sale. Just show these clips from anomaly While I renew a psychological renewal with a nice drink of water.
Dear viewer, if you don’t want to see anomaly After that, we simply two very different souls. I wish you nothing but the best on your journey.
4. Balance (2002)

Christian Bell before Batman brings “GUN-Kata” to the scientific work of Orwell’s Dystopian Mishm 1984 And hexic New brave world.
plot Balance It is intellectual in high school as you can get, but the style and implementation of the film industry is very attractive. Bale is the appropriate actor for this leadership role, and if he does not chant when a double rifle explodes, they explode in the face to save a puppy, this movie will never win as it does.
Talking about puppies …
3. John Wake (2014)

That is why Constantine She was also forced to shock alongside her hor … uh, supercomputers. Yes, I can only include the Keanu Championship entrance because it is a large part of it Matrix And follow it. His presence in a set of times in the list will feel a little cheap.
But if I can’t get ConstantineI am more than happy with the advantage John Wake. We are only talking about the original movie. There is a lot to love him in sequences, but like a lot HalloweenThe entire Bogeyman idea looks pure and effective with only one movie.
To another Matrix Impacts alongside the main actor, John Wake Director Chad Stelinsky worked on exciting works throughout the matrix films. The gang world is carefully felt that it is creative and interesting like the science fiction world in which we get to know it Matrix.
You do not need to tell you John Wake amazing. All I will say again is that I hope that people still discover and appreciate this first movie as its single achievement. The rocks are still.
2. Fifth for Vendetta (2005)

Produced by Wachowskis and directed by James McTeigue, the first assistant manager in the original matrix, Fifth for Vendetta It adapts to Alan Moore and David Lloyd’s novel in a movie that becomes more powerful and suitable with every year that passes.
Outside her social comment, Fifth for Vendetta He has some unseen Matrix Touch evidence. I cannot imagine why “throwing a knife time” did not pick up like “bullet time”. Smith’s Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving gets the heroic revolutionary role, and to present his face, he offers one of his career performances.
I am sure that just mentioning this movie will have more potential fires in the comments, but I will never miss an opportunity to scream some praise for any opportunity to get it.
1. beginning (2010)

This is not similar to Christopher Nolan. Matrix But he does something that many other films have taken from the Wachowskis story: a thoughtful and smart use of topics and ideas to formulate a world that reflects those elements of artistic strength.
The world and the visual style beginning In debt to the mindset of the mind MatrixBut this is the best example of real inspiration and making something stand on its own.
It is possible that my favorite movie in Nolan is always Statusbut beginning It is the movie Nolan, which captures better and explains his feelings about the art of filmmaking and fictional stories. Of all the films on this list, the film is a pioneer like Matrix As a piece of folk art it must be beginning.
You got some of your recommendations? Or anything else to scream at me? Get these comments and convince me that there is no spoon! Like video and subscription before you conclude my mouth!