Written by Chris Senelgov Published

Star War fans who grew up with the original trilogy had all the reasons for the belief that Gidi was very smart. After all, Obi-Lan Kenobi describes them as guardians of peace and justice who protected the galaxy a thousand generations, and was the final embodiment of other wisdom. Unfortunately, the Prequel The Jedi trilogy was presented as Jar-Jar Bank’s intelligence. And if you have any doubt about that, you only need to return and see the strange Jedi inefficiency during the Battle of Jeun in Attack.
Jeun battle

This particular battle was a real turning point for my grandfather, which indicates how weak they are against an army of robots. In fact, it took up the arrival of Yunda and the cloned forces to prevent the battle of Jeon from turning into a full bloodbath. However, this weakness has nothing to do with the power or tactics of separatists and everything related to Jedi Waltzing in a warship without a real battle plan at all.
Remember, before the Battle of Jeon in the Jeon, we had many Jedi to save Obi One Kinobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Padme Amidala. However, it is thwarted by the street number One of the robots that separatists have at hand. These Jedi soon at the mercy of Clankers, but this did not happen only because of these Sufi space processors deeply, Deeply stupid.
For example, we, as viewers, are supposed to be surprised by the number of robots that appear during the Battle of Jeion. But Jedi should not be surprised, especially when each of them can feel somewhat dangerous. Moreover, we see Obi-Lan Kenobi warns the Jedi Council that “the robot mascot appears to be working at full capacity”, yet they only send a relative hand from Jedi to address what they already know it was complete planet Full of robot soldiers is unabated.

Yuda’s arrival is what saves my remaining my grandfather during the Battle of Jeun. This and in his form as this sheikh Jedi, you may think it’s the group’s brains. However, the only important arrangement it offers is to create an environment around the survivors, and the only reason that makes these Jedi survivors not be photographed as soon as cloned animals entered the atmosphere is a mixture of the magic of the movie and the conspiracy shields.
Finally, although this is the type of thing in which a stars war fan should not question (strength, after all, move in mysterious ways), it is crazy that Jada, the Capricorn that we know who can easily get visions of the future, did not He has any way to predict how the pioneer battle can decrease. It is equally crazy that he did not appear with the rest of Jaidi. Given that he is the only person he can carry against Duoku and can move very heavy things with his mind, he was more useful as a soldier than some of the General Guards reluctantly in the fight.
It is just a movie, of course, and many stars war fans argue that we should not put the battle of Jeon under this intense microscope. But this individual battle sheds light on the extent of my grandfather’s insufficiency and the number of their lives that they were thoroughly risky instead of conducting two seconds of planning. Forget about 66. Most likely, you can defeat Jedi this stupid simply by simply imprisoning them in a paper bag.