Although generally stable in healthy individuals, keeping an eye on the behavior of blood sugar can reveal a lot about health.
It is important to maintain stable blood sugar overnight because large fluctuations can have a negative impact on sleep.
The Director of Sciences of the Medical Test Society SelphDr. Alasdair Scott advised to leave two to three o’clock between the last meal of the day and bedtime to maintain healthy levels overnight.
He explained that the gap leads to a drop in fasting blood sugar overnight compared to consumption closer to bedtime.

Eating near bedtime can cause blood sugar fluctuations
In addition, the consideration of synchronization is particularly crucial because many people tend to consume larger meals later in the day.
Dr. Scott told GB News: “If you eat closer to bedtime, having your biggest meals closer to the start of the day could be a good idea.
“Your ability to manipulate carbohydrates is better in the morning than in the evening. And go for a walk after dinner.
Despite a biological advantage, Dr. Scott recognized the practical challenges that people face when adjusting meal schedules.
He noted that the company “just works in a way that we tend to have more important meals later in the day”.
For those who are concerned about evening blood sugar, Dr. Scott recommends going for a walk after dinner.
“Walking after dinner uses your muscles. Your muscles then pull glucose, which will tend to lead to more stable or flat blood sugar levels during the night, “he said.

For healthy individuals, rather weaker blood sugar tends to be the main concern – especially during the combination of large evening meals with inactivity.
The significant impact of night food was highlighted in a study in 2021 on quarter workers.
The search for Brigham and Women’s Hospital revealed that consumption of meals during night hours can cause glucose intolerance.
The results, published in Science Advances, have shown that the restriction of meals during day of day can help regulate blood sugar, stressing the importance of aligning food models with daily cycles of the body.