Sisters wives star Kody Brown Discover that Robyn Brown is not the disciple he thinks that she is after singing her praises of respect by her decisions and her rules on the TLC series. Kody has often thrown his ability to be a good wife on the faces of the other three women.
Meri Brown, Janelle Brown and Christine Brown are angry and tired of Kody suggesting that they should look more like her younger woman. But it seems that Kody discovers that Robyn is “not the Robyn Brown that he thought he was knowing. There is no longer too much follow -up, which Kody’s face seems to indicate when she asks him a loaded question.
Sister Wives: Kody Brown’s romantic overload
Since the Sisters wives The brides began to abandon this plural marriage, shouted Robyn Brown. She acted desperately to recover the three original women with Kody Brown. She insisted that she wanted Meri, Janelle and Christine to come back as her sister wives and to live the polygamous lifestyle.

But Meri Brown summarized it in the Sisters wives episode. Robyn said she wanted a relationship with Meri despite the split. But then she ghosts it for months. So fans now assume that it was not Meri, Christine or Janelle who was important for her. Some viewers suggest that they could have been any woman as long as she had sister wives.
So, in a recent scene, when Kody goes too far to shower Robyn Brown with romantic attention, she snubs him. While dining together in the end of mid-season, she asks him a question that almost strangles him.
Robyn Brown gives Kody’s indigestion?
THE Sisters wives The ladies who left Kody all seem to label Robyn in the context of their reasons for leaving. Some more than others point it to their finger like a big piece of the disappearance of their marriages.
But it comes down to Kody Brown to spend too much time with her. She also seemed to draw the strings from Kody, establish rules and transmit them to the formerly shared husband. Then he transmitted them to his three other wives.
Even the adult children of Kody Brown seemed to see his strategic methods with their father. Now, a new evidence emerges in the Sisters wives Mid-season finish when Robyn looks through the table in Kody and drops the bomb.
Kody seemed to enjoy his dinner. But Robyn raised a subject that probably curled his appetite and may have given him indigestion.
Sister Wives: the master plan of Robyn emerges
In a recipient Sisters wives Clip, it seems that Robyn ruins a romantic evening for Kody. Everything he talked about on the camera when he does not analyze one of his ex-women is how much he loves monogamy with Robyn. The video below shows it while trying to turn it on.
But Robyn Brown snatches the carpet under her husband during their dinner. She asks him if they will again experience a polygamy lifestyle. He is obvious to Sisters wives Fans that’s what Robyn Brown wants, but not what Kody sees for their future.
After looking at Robyn Brown in action, some fans think that this is part of a master plan for her. Now she wants sister wives again. But this time, it will not be the three original women she has joined as a beginner. No, she will be the matriarch of the sister wives who will come after her. Fans think that she was going for the place of Meri Brown in their formerly structural marriage.
This would put her in position to call the gunshots if they leave this way. And Sisters wives Fans think that Kody Brown will do just anything to keep Robyn Brown as his wife, as he demonstrates in his TLC series.
Go back to the dirt of the soap for the last buzz on Sisters wives.