Written by Robert Scotchi Published

Before Jordan Bell moved to horror with 2017 Get outHe was working alongside the comedy group for a long time, Kegan-Michael Key, to write and produce his first length movie, 2016 ‘ Keno. At first glance, Keno It seems that your typical comedy film was illuminated by the success you watched with the drama comedy series, The key and the article, Whether they really want to pull a long movie. But it takes only a few minutes to realize how easy their skills are due to clarity and good behavior Keno In fact, despite its ridiculous hypothesis.
It starts with a Cartcl cat

Keno The opening scene introduces us to the luxurious cat, but at this time it is known as Iglesias, and lives in a warehouse that was not disclosed by a Mexican drug cartel. When two of the killers are referred to as “Al -Antown’s brothers” (filmed by Kegan Michael Kai and Jordan Bell in heavy makeup) they shoot at the place, and no survivors left, Iglesias escaped from the scene, and ends on the threshold of Rale (Jordan Bell). Reel, who is in a hole of depression after he was thrown by his long girlfriend, welcomes the cat in his home, called him Keanu, and the bond immediately.
Meanwhile, his daughter, Clarence (Kegan Michael Ki), by his wife, Hana (Nia Long), imposed to spend a pleasant weekend for herself while starting a suspicious weekend with Spencer (Rob Hibble), and she is a family girlfriend who wants Clearly to move on it.
Clarence and Rail started the weekend with “Liam Neeson”, before returning to Rail’s place, just to discover that the house was looted, and Keno is missing.
With the determination that everyone who broke into the place of Reel was looking for his neighbor who deals with drugs, Holka (Will Forte), Reel and Clarence facing him looking for answers, which leads to the cutter leader (blood and chips), known as Shater (a man’s method).
Presenting Tech-Star Tank

It uses the verbal and clasting Intel Hulka to infiltrate into a nudity club called Hot Party Vixens (with an unfortunate shortcut, HPV) and faced cheddar around Keno’s location. They realized that they acted in a hurry, needing a cover story, so they lie about participating in the Alntawn gang, who do not know the massacre that occurred at the front of the movie. Rail decides that the street name is Tech-Tonic, Clarence, the company’s drone that is, everyone tells that the street name is Shark Tank.
Tech-Star Tank agrees to train the drug blades against Keanu (called New Jack by Ceddar), and they have no idea at all about what they enter. After a failed delivery of a new party called “HOLY SH*T”, Clarence/Tenick is clearly shocked, and his cover is almost blown as a solid gang member, while Clarence/Tank ends up adopting the gang lifestyle because he had no fun as an adult. Clarence is completely embraced by the gang ethics blog as it is presenting at the same time to the music design of George Michaels, while Rale simply wants Keno so that he can return to his normal life.
However, things become complicated, when Sherine extends over the original deal, and pushes it to another raid.
The chemistry of the top layer between the key and the article

An important one side of Keno This distinguishes it from the other comedy that falls in this house is the chemistry that has long ago between Kegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, who were at that stage a busy record is the ability to get rid of each other’s humor. While there are several cases in Keno Where you have to suspend a degree of lack of ratification, as when Clarence explains how it can flammize its faults, these serials do not look too much. Although every situation finds by Rel and Clarence will make you say “there is no way”, the absurd inherent in the movie works because both people were surprised just like the audience.
The favorite scene that pushes this point to the home occurs after a fiery battle On the one hand, it is very difficult to believe that the man who has no experience behind the wheel can drive his car well given the conditions. On the contrary, it was incredibly refreshing to know that the Rail session was at risk when Bacon Diaz (Louise Joseman), the Cartel leader in his back seat, had a few rounds near his face, irritating Rail until no end.
Final Friends Comedy

Keno It is a unique movement comedy because it is not only honey, but has enormous production values. Each terrible example of violence is immediately compensated by the joke between his main characters, who at this point got further to preserve the comedians who know very well what they do. To think, the catalyst that brought out the entire series of events is a cat called Keanu.
Until writing these lines, you can broadcast Keno On the Max.