The lifespan of a person is influenced by several factors. Some of them are out of our control, such as our age, sex, genetic predisposition and race.
However, other factors are completely under our control, for example, our status of smoking, our diet, the consumption of alcohol and drugs, the activity levels, social interaction and how much we sleep.
A woman who managed the birthday of 100 has shared what habits she maintains for longevity.
Speaking on Tiktok to his granddaughter Lacey Kadlec (@theshes_sb) in 2023, dixie, 100, explained that she had not let the age slow down to the stop.

“I credited a large part to age with happiness on the march”
Tiktok / @theshesd_sb
Dixie told viewers that you had to “continue to move” and revealed that every day she walked between three and five miles.
“We live in a hilly area,” she added, “so there is a lot of climbing involved”.
Offering wise words to others hoping to stimulate their longevity, the centenary said: “I deserve a large part of the old old on foot.”
In a second video in 2024, Dixie offered a tip for those in the forties, from the 1950s and 60s, declaring: “Age is only a certain number. You are what you feel.
A 93 year old man who lives Keys to longevity.
In a conversation with Yair (known as @yairbrachiyahu on Tiktok), the nonagenarian said: “The most important thing is the exercise. You must have something you do. The nonagenarian revealed that his exercise of choice works.
An article entitled ‘The multifaceted advantages of walking for healthy aging: blue areas with molecular mechanisms‘, published at the National Library of Medicine, confirmed that walking is an excellent longevity booster.
This is something that you can integrate into your life in the thirties, 40 years, 50 and beyond to make life easier and better in the future.
Indeed, the experts said: “The evidence massively supports walking as a powerful anti-aging intervention which can reduce the risk of age-related chronic diseases such as MCV, hypertension, T2D and cancer.
“Walking also improves pain and function of musculoskeletal disorders, promotes sleep and mental health and increases resilience.
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“The evidence massively supports walking as a powerful anti-aging intervention”
Getty images
“Although it is not as intense as other types of physical activities such as running, its health benefits are substantial and regardless of age, sex, race or situation geographical.
“The integration of regular walking into daily routines must be encouraged as a key strategy for healthy aging and disease prevention.”
The NHS has detailed information on physical activity guidelines for more than 65s.
Physical activity targets over 65 years:
- Be physically active every day, even if it’s just a light activity
- Doing activities that improve strength, balance and flexibility at least two days a week
- Make at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity if you are already active, or a combination of the two
- Reduce the time spent sitting or lengthening and breaking long periods of not moving with a certain activity
If you are concerned about longevity or any other aspect of your health, always consult your general practitioner. A professional can give you tailor -made advice on lifestyle and exercise strategies to be implemented for healthy aging.