Written by Chris Senelgov Published

A few creators in Hollywood were suffering from a significant rise in the fall that Jos and Dyon did: Bouvay is a fatal vampire The Creator was one day a feminist ally in the end, but his ex -wife and his support later accused him of harsh and feminist behavior towards women. Most fans were shocked at the time because they were unable to imagine that the man who created their favorite strong characters could treat women badly behind the scenes. The allegations against Jose should not be sudden, taking into account the problem of Zandand, his own personality.
Jose Weidon and Xander

On the special features of Foolish“In the first season, Joss Widan admitted something that is not surprising about the most sarcastic skewy in the show:” Zander, I always knew that the number that was more like, because he did not have this amount of … speaking to the girl and comes through the big moment . “With the usual exhaustion, he pointed out that Zander being a listing of himself is the reason that the character” makes a very fool for himself. ” It is the TV, “but he encouraged the skeptics to” overcome it. “
It is clear that Jose Weidon often wanted to embody Xander embarrassing but funny sides of himself in his high school, which is why the character, with the words of Nicholas Brendon, “all good lines”. Unfortunately, there is a dark aspect of this self -administrative description that was unprecedented until ascending Foolish Watch the podcast. When closely followed by loop to loop to podcasts like Temporary storage vampireIt is easy to see that Zander is often creeping tremors that reflects women’s hatred of allegations against his Creator.

While Xander’s problematic moments are very many that cannot be included here, some of its worst crimes include the incorrect dumping of love that the roofs are magic in the entire town. He also cheats without shyness on Cordelia and later tries to distort both Anya and Buffy to sleep with Spike (O shouted, do you even even have visual James Marsters in Prime?). Xander also abandoned Anya on the altar, and before that, she refuses to tell Buffy that Willow will try to restore an Angel spirit, forcing Slayer to kill the love of her life.
How, then, are the allegations against Jose and Dyon reflected on the actions of Zander? According to his ex -wife, Kay Cole, Foolish The Creator is a “female hypocritical ideals” that she deceived with multiple representatives whose name was not revealed from the show while he was presenting himself as a hero for women.
This caused the drop of charisma charisma charisma carp angelShe asks her if she will keep the child. More importantly, the dawn actor Michelle Tartchinberg claimed that Ledon was not allowed to be alone with her in the group.

All of these allegations draw a completely different point of view Foolish Offer as a person for women, harsh, and even dangerous. The most explosive allegations were not confirmed, but the damage was caused, and this veteran width and MCU manager lost its feminist balance. After that, this Vandum was destroyed by accusations, but it should not be … after all, Jos and I can easily admit that he designed his most hateful personality for women on himself.
It is interesting, next Foolish Reboot has the opportunity to restore Nicholas Brendon and finally recover Xander once and for all. However, the reputation of Widon – at least, appears to be the reputation of Widon – now somewhat similar to the most famous bad guys: dead and beyond any hope of salvation.
source: eagle