Written by Jonathan Clotz Published

Star Trek fans may feel that they are tortured through new franchise entries that barely resemble the Toubi future created by Jin Rodnberry, and stars war lovers cannot agree on what the privilege should be, but there is another forever for a long time that I am still waiting for adaptation to make a chain Justice. Discworld, a long -term fiction Going to go post and HogfatherBut the biggest attempt to bring the strange world that elephants carry on the back of the giant turtle in life was very misleading, the fans pretend to be not present. the hourA series of BBC around the guards in the largest city in DiscWorld, Ankh-MORPORK, finally survived the developmental hell in 2021, but he completely missed the point about what many consider the best series of books in Prathett.
The watch is offended to Discworld lovers

the hour Try to adapt guards! guards!, Discworld Eighth and First on Samuel Vees, President of the Makhn of the city of Akh-Numan, virtual, and his crew in Motley who tries to preserve peace. Richard Dorm, who played the role of Berik Dundoreon of the Muslim Brotherhood without banners in game of thrones, It was an inspiring option to photograph it as Viz, but this is only two good decisions to bring the series to life. The second was to turn the magic city into more than the atmosphere of Steampunk, which not only helped keep it in the BBC budget but should have helped get the most fictional and strange parts of the largest city in DiscWorld into something digestible for those who have never read accounts. .
For those who have read Discworld’s novels, the hour He was immediately offensive like Section 31 The Star Trik fans had. The favorite characters of the fans lovedly, from small things, such as the aforementioned in Angua remaining in controlling their “pain”, have been changed to those who mainly changed the original novel point. It is assumed that Mrs. Sibel, Mrs. Viz, will eventually be a wealthy, noble and have a sense of class and dignity, but in the series, she is a guard, and the only thing that the two people share is the name.
Perhaps the only change that can be defeated by a distance is the change from imagination to Steampunk, which brings with its coats, microphones and a higher level of technology along with explicit evil rock costumes, but this part works. the hour It was possible to be a straight fictional chain, but it seems that the development of the DiscWorld setting looks like something, he wanted to zig when the readers expected to be Zag, he would pull itself. It is a shame that the series will also be absent to the original satire.
A series of mistake everything

Terry Barachit was a great satirical use of his novels to enjoy everything in modern life, from mobile phones and insurance, but also used Vimes in guards! guards!To give more positive and accurate thesis on the economy. the hour The preferred part of the entire DiscWorld series transfers the “VIMES Economic theory of Shoes”, in which VIMES explains that the rich can pay the price of shoes that last longer, while the poor are constantly paying to replace their poor shoes and spend more in the long term, to Putdown. It is exactly the opposite of how Prathett intends, which is one terrible example of what the series mainly offends about DiscWorld.
No wonder that the hourAlthough it is the most ambitious DiscWorld project so far, it was completely failing when it was broadcast. Instead of being creative, Passing-Inspired The adaptation that Terry Barachit is originally conceived, it is a chaos without a soul that can only claim to be “inspired by the characters of Terry Brathett” instead of selling herself as a direct adaptation. The only worse thing that there is no great adaptation is so bad that millions of fans around the world decided to pretend that it was not made in the first place.
If you want to see how you do not adapt to a series of popular novels, the hour Available on the Amazon Prime video for $ 19.99, but it is better to take this money and purchase guards! guards!, Men in the weaponAnd jingle!The three of the best DiscWorld novels are still printed ever.