Written by Chris Senelgov Published

X. It is an offer with many unforgettable bad guys, including terrible creatures like Eugene Thomps and Flukeman. However, the largest evil in the exhibition is a cigarette smoking man, the mysterious governmental personality behind all Mulder and Scully setbacks. It has become a big bad bad throughout the show, and its typical counterpart (suit and package of Morali cigarettes) is so creative that most fans have never noticed it hiding in the sight of the first season episode “Young At Heart”.
Central Intelligence Agency Undersecretary

This is the episode in which Muller returns to an old issue when there was supposed to be a convict who was supposed to help collapse years ago. It turns out that he is very alive but now suffers from progeria, a disease that causes advanced aging. It is a wonderful hypothesis that hides a great veil otherwise: near the end of “Young At Heart”, the CIA agent who is interrogating the old Mulder enemy played by William B. Davis, the actor who plays the role of a cigarette smoking.
This leads us to the clear question: Will the CIA agent in “Youth in the Heart” aim to be in fact a cigarette smoking man? To this day, this answer is unclear.
This characteristic of nicotine appeared his first appearance in the experimental episodes of X. He did not officially speak “Tooms”. This was the episode of the late first season that Eugene Toms, Monster Rubberry, who first appeared in the first episode of the first episode of the Week in the series. CSM occurs for the first time in “Tooms”, but if it is really in “Young At Heart”, it has already spoken on the screen before most fans realized in a season in which he was completely silent.

Part of the cigarette smoking method in the first season is that he often stopped looking for a threat while director Skinner spoke to Muller and Skuli. This created an atmosphere of uncertainty and threat. Nobody knows exactly what his deal is, but he seemed to have power – a lot Power-More than our heroes at the FBI. He finally spoke in “Tooms” when he asked Skinner if he believed that the land report had presented Mulder and Scully about Eugene Tooms, prompting a cigarette smoking man to respond smoothly, “Of course, I do.”
However, in the movie “Young At Heart”, William B. Davis as the CIA worker, and his first words are “Where are they?” And “Do you hear me?” The context of this is that he is interrogating the villain who dies the episode, a man who stole research that may eventually help scientists to reflect the aging process completely. The original research was sponsored by the government, but the mysterious agent’s attempt to obtain information before the death of the villain ended with failure.
Later episodes from X. Ensure that a cigarette smoking man has many borrowed names over the years, so it is completely logical that it will be as a CIA worker in “youth in the heart”. The research on the agent could have changed the entire world, and it might have helped until our dark government work in their own resistance against foreigners. For these reasons and more, some fans have long speculated that this agent is a secret maniac in camouflage.
It is interesting, X. Never explain whether the CIA’s employment in “Young At Heart” is in fact a cigarette smoking man, and Chris Carter or anyone else participating in production or denied it. For us, we believe in the popular fans theory that links these two letters. Or at least, as the Fox Mulder posters announce in a way that we cannot be, we Want For belief.