Purchase by Topps Tiles of Rival CTD could increase prices and worsen the service – CMA | Money news Aitrend

The British competition regulator warned that the purchase of 30 Rivaux stores per Topp Tiles could worsen prices and services.

On Monday, the competition regulator, competition and market authority (CMA) said that the acquisition of CTD Tiles stores could cause competition problems.

Money blog: nearly 300 ads closed permanently last year

These competition problems could mean less choice, and worse offers and services. Topp Tiles is the largest retailer of specialized tiles in the United Kingdom and CTD Tiles was the second largest before it was made to the administration last year and was bought for 9 million pounds sterling.

This meant that Topp Tiles had indeed bought its precedent greater competitor.

“Whether you withdraw your own house or a company that provides renovation services, the merger could make these projects more expensive,” said AMC executive director for mergers Joel Bamford.

However, only parties of Great Britain will be affected by the agreement, said the CMA.

Problems are limited to four regions of Scotland and England.

After examining the agreement, by examining the internal documents and the evidence of customers and competitors, the AMC judged in most areas, there are “sufficient” competitors For Topp Tiler.

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Home renovators and business people in “a small number of sites” in Dorking, Edinburgh, Inverness and Aberdeen could see a reduction in competitive agreements and the choice of products, he added.

In a declaration to the stock market, Topps said in response: “The company will continue to work with the AMC in a constructive and professional manner, as it did throughout this process.

“Another ad will be made in due time.”

What now?

Topps Tiles has until February 24 to offer solutions to the concerns of the CMA.

If no solution is proposed, the file will be studied more in depth.

Political pressure

The regulator has undergone government pressure in recent weeks to prioritize economic growth.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Chancellor Rachel Reeves written to regulators Userping them to place the widening of the economy at the heart of their missions.

Ms. Reeves said in recent months after accident regulation had “gone too far” While the Prime Minister is committed to getting rid of the regulations “Make the investment unnecessarily”.

The CMA The chair has been deleted Last month by the Department of Business and Trade in the midst of this pressure on regulators.

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