Script Buffy is completely explained – Aitrend

Written by Chris Senelgov Published

Seth Green Sarah Michel Gilar

Even after all these years, Bouvay is a fatal vampire Fans face difficulty in describing the personality of Oz, a hooking musician Hold Bayuand Bidel, who is played by Seth Green. It is not difficult to know the reason. Oz’s personality is In full It differs from other Scoobies, and external demon characters like Anya and Spike, it can be said that they look better with the gang ever. As it turned out, though, the notes of the text program for Foolish The “Inca Mummy Girl” episode explains the OZ character by noting that Oz has “a kind of wonderful who does not know completely about itself.”

Oz explanation

Those Foolish The notes of the text program help to explain some of the paradoxes of the personality of Oz, including the fact that his mockery – a very distinctive personal feature – was not particularly harsh. According to the text, “There is a quiet control and a complete decrease in the bitterness (Oz).” This may be more clear when you compare this amazing wolf to satirical characters such as Cordelia and Spike who always use their acidic joy to get out of the people around them.

By the way, Curdelia occupied the counterpart in the first three seasons of Foolish By presenting ridicule, it means real instead of his pleasant mockery. Once she left Sunnydale after the third season, the offer brought an Anya and Spike to take the display mockery to the next level. Unfortunately, the unexpected departure of OZ in the fourth season means that the additional additions had no balance for them.

For the first time Foolish The notes of the episode text also explains the character of Oz by comparing it to one of his fellow musicians: “Where Devon is rock music and exciting cylinder, Oz cannot be completely canceled.” Certainly, this is evident by all the wild objects that Oz takes in a step, including the presence of vampires and the fact that it is now a wolf. Foolish Most things play for laughter, of course, but the fact is that Oz carries things that will break most of the brains of Sunidil, all without anger or fear.

Seth Green

This leads us to the final observation of this Foolish The scenario on Oz’s character: “He has a kind of cold that is completely unaware of himself.” As a long -standing admire, this was the line that really made the full OZ deal for me. In another show or movie, Oz will be a great awareness like Jeff Winger on community. However, while the ego Jeff always forces him to always be the center of interest, Oz has a Zen -like calm that helps him integrate into any position or group.

to Foolish Fans, this is simply additional evidence that the personality of Oz, just like Buffy, Willow and many others, is relatively unique in the TV scene. No other offer (type or other) was able to get rid of Oz with a definitely satirical, attractive, unusual, unused, unused. until Bouvay is a fatal vampire She never tried to replace Oz, and for this reason other characters who entered his previous SCOBY role (such as Anya and Spikee mentioned above) had completely different characters.

some Foolish The fanatics might find these notes about Oz a little clear, but I thought it was a great glimpse of the most mysterious characters (and convincingly mysterious). Oz was written from the beginning as a kind of paradox: a satirical man without being reckless, cold without being harsh, and completely unaware of the extent of the hip. And if we are all very fortunate, the next moonlight may make us up to half the cold like the most intelligent Sunnydale.

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