Written by Robert Scotchi Published

They say that you should not believe everything you read on the Internet because there is a lot of wrong information that floats there, but sometimes we cannot help ourselves. As long as humanity has the ability to tell stories, folklore and long tales were forms of entertainment that reflect our lives as a way to understand our existence and any existential predicament that we face daily. 2016 Beware of SlendermanThe original broadcast of HBO on Max aims to empty how modern folklore that is born online has consequences and a fantasy when the imagination is considered a reality, and how the consequences in which the consequences can be when a legendary creature like the skinny man takes life on itself Despite the fact that it has always been a fantastic work.
Beware of Slenderman He goes to the creation of the slim man, the myths surrounding him, and a terrible accident known as the slim man who was stabbed in Wisconsin in 2014 when two girls, Anissa Wrie and Morgan Jesser, their friend, Payton “Bella”, stab Their behavior.
The slim man started as a Photoshop competition

The origin of the slim man can be tracked to the terrible forums in 2009, when Eric Knodsen entered into the super photoshop competition that inspired him to create the creature. Beware of Slenderman He explains that the creature – a tall and slim man, anonymous and anesthetic in a suit – has become very common because online users began to write their folklore about the object that reflects their fears and anxiety in ways similar to traditional folk stories.
When the slim man’s popularity began to grow, as well as the imagination of Anissa Wrie and Morgan Jesser, who became obsessed with the slim man, who led to an attempt to kill them for Lla. She feels as if she was under the talisman of the high man, Morgan Jesser is increasingly crazy, and claims to receive instructions from the slim man to kill Bella before his interview at his home, a slender palace.
Where was their parents?

Wali Al Sakhan and Wezer are widely interviewed in Beware of Slenderman, Their basic interest is how to deal with overseeing online activity for their other children after appeal. Anxiety over the amount of screen time, their children must be through iPad and other devices for their studies, and they wonder what they can do outside the supervision of their children around the clock throughout the week. But as the documentary advances deeper into the psyche of Morgan Jesser at the time of the murder, we know that she suffers from audiovisual hallucinations that her parents have not told – who through all active novels and handicrafts.
Explanation of interrogation

Although there are no accounts directly from Bella (which fortunately survived) in Beware of SlendermanThrough interrogation clips, we learn how the Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier reacted to the crime they just committed shortly after their arrest. Looking at the severity of their crimes, they were tired as adults, but not without a lengthy legal battle to determine the suitability of each girl at the time of stabbing.
Beware of Slenderman It provides a unique look at how the urban amelos and myths can sometimes go out of control and have severe consequences. The most appreciated is how the slim man was framing as an isolated accident without blame the Creator of the Sleeping Man, Eric Kenodsen. Although there is no clear answer on how to prevent the appeal itself, given the course of the events Beware of Slenderman He is trying to understand, still served as a warning story about how quickly the truth becomes strange to the cooperative work.
You can broadcast Beware of Slenderman On the Max.