Written by Chris Senelgov Published

Star Trek: The next generation I had many great episodes throughout its seven seasons, but none of them was just as “the best in the worlds”. This ambitious size showed how Captain Picard was absorbed by Burg, causing Risker to lead the institution and eventually maintain foreigners from the land itself. The thing in the “best of both worlds” is that it is the best Riker episode ever. Unfortunately, after this episode, Riker had never had much interesting in the show.
The best in both the worlds and Riker

Since Redlettermedia has beneficially referred to more informal fans, “the best in the worlds” is a partial Riker episode because the title indicates what is happening to it. It begins to excavate to help if he should finally go to one of the ships that Starfleet continues to present to him or stay in the institution where he is more comfortable. After the unexpected assimilation of Picard and a quick promotion of the field, Riker really had the best in the worlds by becoming the team leader and staying in the institution.
After “the best in the worlds”, Riker becomes less interesting as a character. For example, he often becomes an alternative person to the viewer asking the questions that the audience will ask in his place. For example, when the chief engineer Geordi La Forge tries to explain the time to “cause and influence”, Riker continues his relatively technical explanation through the question, “You mean that we may come to this room, sit on this table and this conversation was already ten times? “
Once you start noticing this, you will see it everywhere. After “the best in the worlds”, Riker’s main function as an audience is an alternative to the audience that matters will emerge enough even to the viewers of the parties to understand them. This phenomenon extended after the series: In The first connectionAfter the data says that Borg uses “chronometer molecules” and Picard says, “They create a period of time”, on Riker to clarify matters for those who are still confused (should not be academic subjects) by simply saying, “travel through time.”

You may not think that “the best in the worlds” really killed Riker because he still has funny lines that allowed actor Jonathan Fresh to direct his full attractiveness. But look beyond the nice quotes and exciting moments and you will see that Riker has become like TRII and Dr. Crusher, a personality who passes the movements in almost every episode. Which makes things worse is the fact that his arc has actually ended with failure. Riker never got his own captain on the chain, and his upgrade eventually became a later idea enemyAbsolute worst From TNG movies.
Before you get out of your stage and turn off the thunderbolt setting, we must confirm that we love “the best in the worlds” and the leader Riker himself. But we hate to see good potential being wasted, and as Riker should have to get something soon, TNG should give him some decent writing as a kind of funeral prize. Unfortunately, this beloved character was only stuck through suggestions; Even sad, these suggestions are not so almost Music like a Riker maneuver.