Kitty Sakhof hates the best scenes of BatTlessar Galactica – Aitrend

Written by Chris Senelgov Published

Kitty Sakhof is famous for BATLESTAR GALACTICA The restart chain in which the ACE VIPER pilot played. The show has always confirmed that her personality was at home in the cockpit more than anywhere else because she was a talented pilot that was always his personal and professional life in a state of permanent chaos. The fact that Kitty Sakhhof’s character was at home as a sarcastic pilot, because the actor is definitely itself ball Her scenes of the snake.

Kitty Sakhof

If we look back on her most famous scenes, Kitty Sakhof said very frankly, “I despise (Viber cockpit scenes).” One of the reasons why these scenes hated is “it is very uncomfortable in that narrow space.” This makes a lot of meaning. Representation already includes performance in relatively small groups, and having to be widely photographed in a small cockpit that makes a difficult task more difficult.

Kitty Sakhouf, who seems to be denying her frustration, suddenly: “Suddenly, you are wet, you are hot and smell of sweat, then you are cold, you have to urinate, you need water, but you cannot drink it because you should urinate again.” These are very understandable concerns, and we now have more respect for the actor to bring us the most wonderful scenes in the show.

Kitty Sakhof was focused on purely mechanical interests to photograph the cockpit scenes, but she eventually turned her attention to something more BATLESTAR GALACTICA Fans love: the pilot’s snake. According to the actor, “You have these claims of rubber space and relate to the seat … the total!” Certainly, this is something that most players who are trying to re-create this iconic costume do not think before preparing to go to COMIC-Con.

As it turned out, Katee Sakehoff also hated scenes of her snakes due to the temperature problems in the cockpit. She said, “Then there are winds in your face while you sleep because they are very hot.” Based on this description, these scenes were the worst in the two worlds, where actors should deal with the heat that stimulates sleep or winds that distract her, and both interfere with the actor’s ability to do their work.

When talking about the actor’s function, Kitty Sakhhouf touched on the fact that her snake’s scenes, along with the technical terms used by the book, often made it difficult to prepare for the viewer. She said, “You are trying to save all this dialogue – 50 pages – all this technical mombo.” There is a little irony here because the bidder Ronald Moore started writing for him Star Trek: The next generationHe offered where the famous actors complained about the “technical” dialogue that they had to say in order to make these conspiracy lines in the fourteenth century.

And ending her screaming, Kitty Sakhouf described her frequent thought while filming these snake scenes: “Break my knee again, please.” This is in reference to the injury of her personality after breaking her ship in the episode, “You can’t return home again”, and she is on crutches for the rest of the season, which Sakhof has announced as “the best thing that happened in season 1.” She does not fly again until the season The second, and although this disappointed many fans, it seems that the actor yearns for the days when her personality should not fly the unborn sky.

When we first heard that Kitty Sakhhouf hated filming her scenes of the snake, it was a disappointment. After all, Starbook was our favorite BATLESTAR GALACTICA The character, and the strange pilot is not forgotten. Hearing her screaming about the circumstances of photography, though, we can only sympathize with everything I went through to revive our favorite scenes to life. And all this is just a more evidence (not we need it) that Sakhoff is the same as a difficult and violent woman like her most famous personality.

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