Written by Chris Senelgov Published

Even in the nineties, most species lovers were well aware of the intersection between X. and The peak twin. After all, David Doshofni appeared The peak twin In what was actually his first big role. the X-Files The star also returned to Twin peaks: returnBut what most lovers of both privileges do not realize is that these links go a lot Deeper than Doshofni. In fact, huge nine Actors appeared in both offers.
Files Twin Twin Paps Pactors

It is clear that David Doshovny is the most famous X-Files Representative The peak twin. At David Lynch’s Basic Show, Duchovny appeared as Dea Denise Bryson, a role that brings it back in it Twin peaks: return. In a scene in which the actor talks to Lynch (himself is a character in the show), the other man tells the transient personality (now the Chief of Staff of the FBI) what the agency’s colleagues who complained about her capabilities told: “Reform your hearts or die,” a phrase that has been adopted with sincerity before Supporters of transit rights.

Aside from Duchovny, the next largest X-Files Star to appear on The peak twin It was Don Davis. Skalli’s father, a character who died in the first season and then appeared to his daughter in visions in the second season. The peak twinHe played a military man (Major Brigz) and the father of Bobby, with both people returning (from behind the grave in the Davis case) to Twin peaks: return.

What is the other? X-Files Actors appeared on The peak twin? Richard Pimor appeared as a fatal surgeon intertwined with Muller and Skuli in “Sanguinarium”, and appeared in the Lynch series as the owner of the Sleazbag Benjamin Horne Hotel. Frankly, you can easily give yourself Whiplash when comparing the difference in the two letters, especially since Horne was often a comic comfort.

In addition, Kenneth Walsh plays a fake preacher in X-Files The “Revelation” episode and as red winds in The peak twin. Meanwhile, Michael C played. Anderson perform in the circus in The Awesome X-Files “Humbug” and also played the mysterious little man who appeared in Del Cooper’s dreams in The peak twin. Meanwhile, Francis Bay, a resident of the elderly care, played with lives in X-Files “Excelsis Dei”, as well as Mrs. Tremond in both The peak twin and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with me.

Some of these actors Cross had unforgettable manifestations than others. For example, Robin Levli played a woman who often appeared in hallucinations in X-Files “Field Trip” episode in addition to the Miss Twin Pix contestant. Meanwhile, Jean Darcy Silvia Horn played in The peak twin The judge was in “Tooms”, X-Files The episode that brought back a bad -wing beast man, Eugene Thoms.

Of all the interrupted actors, no one was more consistent in his double roles than Michael Hors. on X.He played an honorable reservation in the “Forms” episode. In The peak twinThe role of Sharif Truman, a deputy Hawk (a role back in Return), Which makes it a station that deals with Senganan in two different privileges.
You can also say, links between X. and The peak twin Go much deeper than David Dusovny’s appearance in each chain. With David Lynch’s recent death, there was no better time to re -watch all of his pioneering TV series from the beginning. It can be confused at times, but when it comes to revealing secrets The peak twinJust remember what Dennis Primon has said our characters in another life: the truth exists.