Presentation of the first new class of pain drugs approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration in more than two decades.
The FDA has approved the first drug in its class which targets moderate to severe acute pain in adults, without being addictive like opioids, which have been the level of care in pain killers for 20 years.
Vertex Pharmaceuticals, based in Boston, should sell the pills twice a day for $ 15 per dose under the name of Journavx.
Analgesics works by “targeting a pain in pain signaling involving sodium channels in the peripheral nervous system – before pain signals reach the brain.”
“Today’s approval is an important stage in public health in acute pain management”, “ said spokesperson for the FDA Jacqueline Corrigan-Curay, JD, MD “It offers patients another treatment option”.
The efficiency of Journavx (AKA Suzetrigine) was evaluated in two randomized, double blind, placebo trials and controlling active pain in acute surgical pain, which both demonstrated a statistically significant superior reduction in pain, compared to placebo.
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Safety was mainly based on data from the grouped, double -blind, placebo and active testing at 874 participants passing through surgery, with additional data from a single arm and open study of 256 participants.
The most common side effects in patients were itching, muscle spasms, an increase in the blood rate of phosphokinase and a rash. In addition, patients should avoid food or drinks containing grapefruit when taking daily. But always check with your own doctor before taking the medication.
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“Today’s approval is a historic step for the 80 million people in America who are prescribed a medication for moderate to severe pain each year,” Reshma Kewalramani, MD, CEO and President of Vertex said January 30.
“With Journavx approval, a non -opioid pain signal inhibitor, we have the possibility of modifying the paradigm of acute pain management and establishing a new standard of care.”
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