Written by Drew Andh Published
“… sometimes it found it difficult to believe that they were living in a future that has already happened, and it has now exhausted.” JG Ballard
The future is something we think constantly as human beings. Not in “What to have dinner tonight?” road. I am talking about the future. Our dreams and nightmares about the place where civilization, society, technology and humanity is heading.
Now, I must say that the future feels dark. One of the biggest factors in this horrific feeling that many people feel about the future is a growing and more clear division between the wealthy and the rest of us.
It is difficult not to see a few people at the top make life miserable for all of them.
It is clear that this is not a problem that has appeared overnight and a lot of wonderful art pieces have explored the warrior history of the rows.
However, there is one story that I was eating in my face since I announced that my first 2016 movie. It is a movie that has become more powerful and terrifying with every year that passes. A fictional, brutal, dark, ridiculous, and unpleasant tale that makes the ideal conjugation with our world segment shown in indigestion.
And Loki in it! Nude!

This is it toweringA movie will tell you everywhere in 2015, but these are the unbelieving film festival dates. The wide version was in 2016. It is the 2016 movie. It can get IMDB and Wikipedia.
toweringThe 2016 movie is based on the 1975 novel by JG Ballard. Bald was mostly known for writing the post -terrible imagination and Dystopian who dealt with ideas about societal decay and human beings.
in toweringThe story focuses on Robert Ling, a new tenant in a modern residential complex that provides everything that one needs to be in the current life. For example, there is a full floor of the building, which is a supermarket so that the residents do not need to leave to do shopping.
It becomes clear that the building is largely divided into the layer and is intentionally preserved by the different floors, where the wealthy wealthy fill the upper floors and poor tenants who occupy the apartments below.
Things collapse

As the story advances, the building’s residents begin to experience power outages because they become more and more dependent on the building for their daily life. People stop going to their jobs, parents stop sending children to school, and it seems that there is a complete civilization that is formed within the high -rise tall that meets the engines of human tablets.
All this is placed with a very clear metaphor from the towering itself. With the escalation of this social end of the world, the rich spread to live in the upper floors and even the lower floors’ raid of supplies and the assault of poor tenants in the dark.
When it’s time to convert Ballard into a movie, writer Amy Jump and director Ben Wheatley made a very conscious and integrated choice in adaptation. Do not give a narration of Pald any specific year for the events that occur, but it is supposed to be seen as a very close future as part of its warning story.
The future has already happened

the towering The film puts the story in 1975, the same year that the novel was released. Initially, this may seem to be an opportunity to indulge in some nostalgia such as times or comprehensive design aesthetics.
But the line from Ballaard, which finds its way to the audio commentary of the film very early is the line that started this video, which is the key to understanding towering As a movie.
By appointing the film in the 1970s and presenting his story as an example of societal decline, it argues in the creative Ballard thesis that was placed in this wonderful line. The future that you promised is what you face now, and it has already been drained. We will return to this.
It must be said that though towering It is a favorite movie for me, and I realize that it will not be a movie for … well, maybe most people. This is a film in which the dog is killed and eaten in the first two minutes, then another dog is killed by drowning. If you have never learned anything for decades of watching movies, writing and talking about movies, this does not really like the audience when the puppies die in your movie.
Just gets worse

The rest of the movie will not be more exciting. Tom Hedelston plays Robert Ling’s role and observations about the building and his people leading to a character that many people may hate. Laing is a cool man looking for what might lead to a real human association, but he also plays a dark joke on a rich child of the building that leads to a terrible suicide.
Then Ling and its philosophy become very negative as the building descends into chaos and chaos. It is a type of character that may work better in a written form, but I think Hiddlesson gives one of his most layer performance in towering.
This is also a movie with a very specialized humor. As I mentioned, the full “eating of the dog” comes at the beginning of the first Baldard line of the novel, and it is supposed to be some dark comedy. A similar example is when Ling sits for dinner with the architect of the building, Anthony Royal (played by Jeremy Airons), who asks Ling about his ideas about the building where someone screams in the background.
When he is seen from that angle, there is a lot of black tampering that I love toweringEspecially Locke Evans in the role of Richard Wilder, one of the tenants in the building who, as his name tells you, succumbs to the fiercest of his motives and behavior. Evans is not suspended, spitting and going to the total spit settings. It is ridiculous and equal to equal.

but, towering The factory is not packed in its width. The result of Clint Mansel is appropriately mentally, as it jumps from the Regal bomb to Whimsy Childlike in notice a moment and not a kind of musical experience that was made to make the audience feel comfortable.
The general appearance of the film is exceptionally polished, but the dreamer modification is not something that the prevailing fans will do. I love this because it emphasizes the dreams of poetry of progress and comfort that it slowly consumes by nightmares inherent in the humanitarian situation.
This means that we are getting a sequence on the Portishead cover for “SOS” from ABBA, which is one of the best things in the past decade.
I can talk about it towering For hours, but one of the reasons that led to a video clip about it is the hope that at least one person will discover towering Because they saw this video. So, I don’t want to differentiate everything in the movie.
But the other reason I felt towering It deserves to highlight this because I see a lot of people who started an experience towering He was talking about again in 2016.
The wealthy and the rest of us

It seems as if we were in the midst of a great cultural awareness about the blatant division between Haves and Nots. Many of us realize that the future sold will never be possible. Someone’s dream was already happened and has now exhausted.
At the end toweringLing found happiness. It is aware that the social construction that society has established after the horrific in the high -ranking, is likely to be the best reflection of humanity in all its animal nature. The other high is waiting soon to find the same drop in the barbaric bliss.
It is not an optimistic end, it’s a dark comedy, but I can’t feel some dark truth. Return to the desire for the top layer to feel the same disorders that the rest of us suffer.
towering Somewhat frankly in the process of removing the metaphorical community of capitalist society, especially in the end with the personality of a child listening to broadcast by Margaret Thatcher, and I think that many people now will suffer from the film’s mentality about the repulsion of capitalism inherent with human nature.

I hope the world will not end towering But I only brush my dog recipes in a state.