Jack Nicholson makes the departure better with one simple genius method – Aitrend

Written by Robert Scotchi Published

Some people do not like to know how to make sausage, but when it comes to things from Hollywood from the inside, I always admire when the curtain is pulled in order to explain how some of the scenes of iconic films have become. After Re -watching Martin Scorsese recently DepartureI fell into a rabbit hole that led me to an interview with Matt Damon What a joke, Netflix Pra A radio program hosted by the comedian Tom Baba, describing what was the case with Jack Nicholson, put in a great detail the extent of participation shining The actor was to rewrite one of the most concerned serials in the 2006 crime movie.

According to Damon, he was sitting alone with Jack Nicholson, who told him, unlimited, that “I was never far from this profession if I was not a great writer” during the pre -production meeting in his favor. Departure. The relevant discussion was about the famous “She Felt Funny” sequence that includes execution – a simple scene without dialogue – that Jack Nicholson His Strait added in the form of an increasingly satisfactory humor that led to the final reduction that we know and love today.


Jack Nicholson, departure

Coming from the Roger Korman School, Jack Nicholson’s method of this scene in Departure It included leaving the circulating camera so that it could provide a number of lines that could have had a final statement about what actually made it in the final director, giving the legendary director a number of options to work with it. The original scene, as it is written, included Frank Costilo from Nicholson, carrying out a man kneeling in the swamps without one line of dialogue, or anyone else in his company for this issue.

Jack Nicholson, the great writer who he is, took a number of creative freedoms because he “thought he could make them better” without adding to Departure The time of operation or budget, such as the execution of a woman instead of a man, then resort to Frenchie from Ray Winstone, which carries an ax to cut her body after she meets her fate in a heterogeneous manner.

But if the camera leaves rolling … “

Jack Nicholson, departure

The desire to clarify in any unconfirmed conditions only the extent of the already individual Costilo DepartureJack Nicholson puts his ideas in order, and always ends with “now you can finish the scene there, but if the camera leaves you roll …”

What started as a slight pass scene in Departure He became a legendary thing because Jack Nicholson decided that he would not shoot at the woman at the back of the head, but he was saying “Jiz, fell funny”, move to Frenchie, who carries an ax, states that he wants to violate her body, just to laugh before Frenchie says, “Francis, you must really see someone.”

Each escalating line from Jack Nicholson’s dialogue suggested this scene in Departure He draws a vivid picture of Costilo’s dark look at the world, and how these executions are so regular of his life that he had not preceded the entire accident to the extent that the situation shines, causing his partner’s concern about the crime about his mental condition.

The final pieces of Departure It includes that we are familiar with the implementation, the “Jeez and Sheld Funny” line, Frenchie received, while other exchanges found themselves on the floor of the cut room. But because Jack Nicholson’s willingness to strike the script, Martin Scorsese’s instinct as a director to work with what Nicholson gave him when they left the circulating camera, the Costilo character is high to a level that we had no chance to see if the scene was performed as it is written.

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