Written by Chris Senelgov Published

When you think about it, the rise and fall of the galaxy empire in the stars war ImpressiveWe are witnessing the emperor in the batin, which is individually converted a thousand years of a fascist empire for a few years, but the whole matter collapses after two decades. Each of the fans and characters inside the universe will be right in asking themselves how heck in Batin managed to find things very badly after all the previous tampering has proven success. The answer, though, is frustrated: simply put, a symbol of the two bars of the end, in the end, is sentenced to his empire.
The base of two seth code

This is because the seat is obsessed with two virtue of two, which means that there must always be Sayyid Seth and a young trainee waiting for their role only to betray their teacher and take over the final strength of themselves. On paper, this philosophy guarantees that the ruler’s Master of Seth is always as strong as possible, and if he stumbles, it is replaced by a better person. In fact, though, this Siet’s blog guaranteed that Palpatine had no real successor to manage his empire after his death.
In the real world, the main leaders have alternatives to stand; Protections are taken under their wings, for example, and the presidents are completed by the presidents of the presidents. Of course, this system works because the newer person does not wait simply stabbing his boss in the back and taking his place. in Star WarsFor example, it seemed clear that if the death of Grand Move Tarkin, another member of the empire’s bureaucracy (such as the stuffed shirts used by Vader will be able to escalate and replace it easily.
However, we can see problems related The empire returns back. It turns out that the alternative to Atrin is Dartheter Vader, but Vader spends all his free time to plan to betray and kill his boss, the emperor with the two blocks. Vader desires directly leads to the peak of the movie, as it reveals that he is the father of Luke Skywalker and demands the young Jedi to cooperate with him and topple the emperor so that they can rule the galaxy as a father and son.

If Locke says, “Yes”, then the Seth Blog was not a problem. They simply killed the bat and began to rule the empire themselves. But Luke’s refusal to join Vader leads to Jaidi’s returnIt seems that Vader initially was suffering from Palpatine. But Locke persuades Vader to destroy the cane and save the galaxy effectively, which directly leads to the fall of the empire. We also see in offers such as MandaluriThe empire soon collapses in the absence of the emperor.
Therefore, if Palpatine is not such cracks for a Sith code, the empire would be much better after his death. He could have had a type of type of Tarkin type who was waiting for the wings who could bear the matter in his absence. For example, the man himself was stuck on the other side of the galaxy, but if it could have a person with a person who has the intelligence of the Great Thuan and the Charity to be hot, this person can immediately bear control and fight against the rebellion before the empire is reduced to the shadow of its previous glory.

Of course, the two veins were correct for himself to the end: he lived and died in the Seth blog, and the same prohibited instructions that helped him achieve power in the first place in the end of his empire. Perhaps all of this is the will of power, and a message from the universe on arrogance and short. Or it could be just a message from George Lucas, to remind us of the dangers of leaving religious cultures governing us (even if they are Do Get cold laser swords and can charge your phone with their fingers).