Written by Chris Senelgov Published

Pop competition, hot snapshot: in Star Wars, who do you think he did not do what the old republic should perish? It may be seduced to say in the two hugs to manipulate two huge factions in the civil war and seize power, or you may say that it is the inheritance of Vader, my former grandfather who helped search for his colleagues throughout the galaxy. In fact, it was Obi One Kinopi He who ruled the old republic because the insecurity of a good symbol prevented him from killing Anakin Skywalker when he had the opportunity.
How Obi One Kennobi killed the old republic

Peak Revenge from SethObi One Kinopi does not seem to be considering the old republic at all. Instead, focus entirely on Anakin Skywalker, Padawan’s transformation into Jedi Sith Traitor’s brother. It is a somewhat brutal scene, as Kinopi left his broken friend to shoot and suffer while exchanging their last words. Decally, though, Kennopi does not killing His ex -student, which is why Darith Vader escapes from the torment of the galaxy on another day.
Now, the fans spent nearly two decades in discussing Kennie’s decision not to kill his former student. The general consensus is that he avoided doing so because the Jedi code prevented him from killing one of the disarmament (and unwanted) The opponent, something supported by a novel Revenge from Seth. However, it is clear that Obi One Kinopi ultimately chose to give priority to the symbol of the ancient republic, where he issued a countdown to countless people to death.
Basically, my argument is that this Master Jedi should have asked himself the same question that Anton Chigura posed in There is no country for the elderly men: “If the rule you followed has brought you to this, what is the benefit that was the rule?” In a vacuum, our hero did the right thing. He did not kill a person who is unable to defend himself, which means that he may have prevented himself from traveling on the path of the dark side. But by alleviating completely from the opportunity to kill Ankin that would spoil his soul, Obi Wan Kinopi made a worse unlimited decision to receive the ancient republic.

In a very concrete way, Kennobi is responsible for everyone who was later killed by Dartheyd Vader. He decided to support the Jedi code, and many fans support this decision, on the pretext that Master Jedi would have become more hated than others. This, of course, is the same argument that Batman fans offer due to the failure of this hidden billionaire to kill and call it a day.
But this is the thing: if Batman Joker kills and really feels this bad about it, he can turn into or the worst suicide. Similar options for our preferred Jedi Master Master, which could have become a single risk with strength or removed himself from the temptation to direct his growing darkness. Given that Obi One Kinopi becomes just a hermit on the tattoo anywayAnakin Skywalker could have simply killed, became equal, kneeling, knowing that he saved the galaxy.
Many stars fans hate photographing Luke Sky Walker in Another seriousBut this film got one thing: his righteous anger at hypocrisy and the stupidity of the old Gidi. These spacecraft were clearly asleep on the wheel, and this led directly to controlling the entire galaxy. If Obi Wan Kenobe was ready to kill Anakin simply when he had the opportunity, the emperor could have been more easily, and hundreds of victims could have been a Vadar, and the old republic may be intact.

Unfortunately, while Kinopi said, “Hello there”, to General Grievous, he said goodbye to something else in Third episode: A healthy sense.