Written by Chris Senelgov Published

Few early episodes of Star Trek: Voyager Don’t forget just like the “The 37’s”, an episode in which Captain Janeway will meet her idol, Amelia Erhart. It is a great episode on its own, but watching her more feasible when you know that the woman who played the personal captain’s idol was the biggest admirer of the woman behind Janeway. Kate Molgrow was definitely idol By the actor Earheart Sharon Lawrence, the two formed an immediate bond while producing this episode.
Kate Molgro meets her biggest fans

More Voyager The fans do not know that if it is not for her love in Vinhart Kate Molgro, Sharon Lawrence will never take the role of Emilea Erhart. Unlike many of those who made a veil in this famous concession, Lawrence was not aware of Star Trek outside The original series. Therefore, she only took the role of her interest in playing Erhart and her desire to meet Molgaro, any person she had found since the older woman made soap opera championship. Amal Ryan.
It may seem strange to think about modern Star Trek fans, but at that time, Kate Molgro’s offer needed Sharon Lawrence Kodo far More than the actor did. Lawrence was recently nominated for Amy to perform in natural drama Blue NYPDTherefore, some real stellar force presented the second season of this emerging scientific presentation. As for the reason for taking this role, she later said that she was excited to photograph “one of our greatest national heroine” on the screen, and soon fell in love with the idea that her personality is developing with Janeway, while giving these two feminist symbols that separate the opportunity to work together.
Fortunately, the work lived alongside Kate Molgro Amal Sharon Lawrence: I stated that “it was pleasure to work with her” and “I was affected by her professionalism.” Between the scenes, the two found the time to link to different common things, including the presence of a theatrical background. Lawrence also took the time for Mulgrew question, “How to be distorted being an actress and mother,” which asked many of the Star Trek lovers over the years.

While Kate Mulgrew always turns into a great performance, the outstanding representation of the “The 37’s” was partially due to the presence of Sharon Lawrence. The former younger actor stated that “the relationship that Erhart and Janway shared easily was easily affected by the relationship that Kate shared.” This is reflected in the chemistry that appears on the screen and helps to clarify the reason for Lawrence to leave such an impression on the fans despite its appearance only in one loop.
Another reason is that Kate Molgro and Sharon Lawrence have got well that they share the same explicit feminist ideals. If we look back in their time together, Lawrence indicated that playing “their peers and leaders” instead of being in “a local or familiar relationship … is always good for me.” Their time was somewhat by chance, as two female symbols allowed the fear to inspire a new generation of women to boldly go to the fields that they had not gone before.
Unfortunately, this is the only episode in which Kate Molgro and Sharon Lawrence got an opportunity to act alongside each other. But these actors have benefited from their time together, which already raised a strong text to an episode Voyager Fans will never forget. As for the Jeanway, it is fair to say that this fictional character has joined the real Emile Irerert in the records of the most inspiring women in modern history.