Guest star X-Files, who saved the worst scenario in the first season – Aitrend

Written by Chris Senelgov Published

Have you ever seen an hour of a beautiful average TV that is only rescued by a murderous guest star? Sometimes, even a professional in the TV industry will be the first to admit that they have been handed over a large extent and that the only thing that collects the story together is the strong performance by the guest actor in that week. For example, the director who worked in the “Roland” episode agreed that the performance of Elleco Evanic helped to save what could have been a very unnoticed episode X..

Save željko IVANEK X-Files “Roland” episode

In the event that you do not see it or just need to activate, the “Roland” is a ring where the luxury character is an intellectual handicapped man who is manipulated in fatal works by his frozen twin brother. Even according to the criteria of this nervous symptom, this story was “soap opera in the nineties” at its best. Many people who worked in this episode believed that the Roland star željko Ivanek really saved this X-Files An episode, starting with director David Notre, who said that “when I learned that I had got it, I thought it was important to push this as possible, to help outperform the weakness in the text.”

One of the biggest criticism of David Notre for the scenario of this episode is that her villain was “a little abstract.” This is because Big Bad was a man in a refrigerated recession that we had not even seen near the end of the episode … not exactly a tangible threat like a man smoking cigarette in the corner. However, as soon as I realize what a wide representative pieces željko IVANEK, X-Files The director focused more on Roland’s character, which led to an episode he believed to be “a truly strong piece.”

Chris Carter generally agreed to this evaluation, noting that “for me, I made (željko Ivanek) episode” to one X-Files Fans will never forget. And he went on to offer a special praise for “David Nister and writing employees for its fall and make the episode really work.” In fact, Carter Roland loved to the point that it allowed to break one of the totally unannounced music rules.

according to X-Files David Notre, composer Mark Snow, said that a small strange topic on the piano would be great for this character, “but Snow knew very well that Chris Carter was” in fact not in melody “, so he knew that he had to get this song” Just Right “. In the atmosphere.

In the past, it is easy to see how creative staff behind “Roland” put all their chips on the performance of željko Ivanek. He got a share of screen time, a custom song, and an unforgettable final bow. This made him a prominent figure in an early preferred season of fans like the only gunmen and Walter Skinner.

At the end of the day, the David Nail instincts were right: The strong representation of željko IVANEK was the most prominent average average to some extent. X-Files episode. Fortunately for the actors’ team and the crew, this was a show that was built about big characters, and Ivanic Roland managed to be convincing in his limited time on the screen such as David Dusovny and former Jelly Anderson at the FBI. This makes this episode worth watching time or twice before returning it to the ice (preferably freezing the cooler).

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