Netflix Orignal Authalyptic Thriller descends our technological dependence – Aitrend

Written by Robert Scotchi Published

It is not easy to move in the early stages of the event that is likely to be at the end of the world, especially if you are the characters who live within the imagination Leave the world behind It creates. After all, when the planes begin to fall from the sky and the self -driving cars begin to accumulate on the highway, you may find yourself wondering how you will be able to watch a conclusion series friends When broadcasting during the collapse of the community around you, it is something that must be treated immediately. Follow a local approach instead of a global approach, Leave the world behind It provides an amazing glimpse of how to spend a family vacation in a remote area, with a sudden interruption from the rest of the outside world while they are scrambled to find resources to ensure that they can stay successful in any of the next unknown horrors.

We have become dependent on technology

Leave the world behind

Leave the world behind It is not lost in proving the importance of technology in relation to the Sanford family’s sense of luxury, as Amanda (Julia Roberts) decided to go on a weekend with a spontaneous weekend with her husband, Clay (Ethan Hawk), and their two children, Rose (Varhaa McKinsey) and Archi (Charlie Evans). While riding from New York City to renting holidays, everyone is distracted from each other because the only communications that they care about are those that are accessed through devices in their hands.

It settles on the weekend, Amanda shows how unprecedentedly when the owner of the house appears GH Scott (Mahershala Ali), and his daughter Ruth (Myha’la), unexpectedly in the middle of the night, claiming that they are looking for shelter due to blackout. Although GH has some internal knowledge about what is happening in the city, it does not reveal any information more than he has, so that it does not cause any unnecessary panic.

Instead of confidence in GH and Ruth and allowing them to be relieved in their home (something that Ruth shows several times), Amanda allows them to stay tonight after talking to clay, but only if they took place in the basement apartment in the cellar and left after everyone got a good sleep.

Waking up the next day, Amanda sees a number of emergency alerts on her cell phone, but she fades quickly before she can show anyone else.

I made a mistake

Leave the world behind

There is a reason to believe that a kind of global catastrophe is about to happen in Leave the world behindBoth families begin to panic, as they have no way to communicate without their mobile phones. Clay starts to see if he can find any of the local population who have more information than he does, while GH reveals to Amanda that the United States may be victims of a huge electronic attack of an unknown origin. Archie, the typical Lampalian teenager, feels indifferent to the whole matter, while Rose takes an alve -know of the surrounding wildlife that works in an increasingly strange way – like a full range of deer surrounding the holiday home that disappears at the speed that makes it known to it.

However, Rose’s primary interest is the flow friends Since she works through the series for the first time (the poor girl), she provides a great deal of comfort for her as the dynamic of the family begins to collapse.

Preppers Prepin be

Leave the world behind

Fortunately, Amanda remembers a foregoing confrontation on the Day of Resurrection named Danny (Kevin Bacon) storing supplies when she went to the city for a gun, which led to the search for clay and GH to get answers. With no access to radio, internet or television, there is no way for anyone to find out how clearly they face the problems they face Leave the world behindWhich shows how humans are hopeless without being contacted in their devices.

Stalled in the middle of the place, and both families are in Leave the world behind The limited resources they have to find answers should be used, all of this during the river of emergency alarm sirens in the distance, which can only be heard when the entire sky does not cry at an unimaginable frequency that may be the result of the alleged cyberspace attack that is not in any way.

Well leave the world behind Netflix

Leave the world behind

While you may think so Leave the world behind He suffers from not showing how the rest of the world adapts to the power outages, as it is very effective in generating suspense because there is no power in the numbers in the holiday home, and the entire situation can quickly turn into the scenario of “every man for himself” at the drop of the hat. Do not fully understand how deep the alleged cyber attack is, there is no reasonable way for anyone to find out how to find safety, or if everything will explode and return to normal.

but, Leave the world behind In his own way, he gets more than one occasion by trying to create a conflict that does not necessarily need to be there to move the story. Among the strange meetings, the semi -romance that Amanda has with GH when she binds her because of her lack of confidence in humanity to an inconsistent amount of Clay, this film felt bloated in a way that makes me hope that there will be 90 minutes parked instead of the 140 -minute version.

At least, Leave the world behind It is a powerful watch on Netflix because it shows a hopeless range of most of us if we cannot log in to social media simply to see what is going on. Proof of the speed in which the world can become incredibly small if the technology that we rely on for our daily reactions overnight disappears, it is certain that this movie will make you think about storing water bottles and canned goods in order to survive, and DVD tablets for your backward so that you do not lose your mind while waiting for everything to detonate it.

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