The mystery film is on the human Tubi with evil creatures – Aitrend

Written by Robert Scotchi to update

There is nothing like reunification with an old friend you haven’t seen for years. But if your friend is convinced that demons will take over the land, the only person who was informed of their plans to dominate the world, you will not explode exactly the beer table and remember in the old days. This is the heart of the story in 2015 They resemble peopleIndependent psychological horror movie that is a little existential, a little theological, and 100 percent terrifying when you think about the effects of allowing someone you know in your place for an unlimited period of time.

White and Cristian

They resemble people

They resemble people It focuses on two friends in childhood, White (McCleid Andrews) and Cristian (Ivan Duomoshl), who were inseparable when they were growing up but separated from the time when they reached the stage of puberty because their lives took them in different directions. When White arrives at the Christian apartment in New York City, Christian takes him because it is immediately clear that something with his best friend, and wants to help in any possible way. White reveals that he separated from his fiancĂ©e, but he does not explain the reason for this – suspected that she has become a channel of a demonic force that was seized on her body.

Christian, also comes out of his depression after it was thrown for him Al -Khatib, he is in one way or another more illusion from White because he is considering lengthening and finding in the gym and listening to audio books for self -help so that he can “control” life is the reform that he needs to find real happiness.

It reveals White

They resemble people

like They resemble people White is slowly burning, White finds himself receiving phone calls from a demonic voice telling him that he needs to save himself from the end of the imminent world, which led to the storage of various weapons in Christian’s basement to prepare for what will come. It is constantly moving from the White perspective to a more neutral view, They resemble people She keeps her cards close to her chest by referring to previous mental health problems in White, but also indicates that reality is not a bilateral experience, and that there may be already a kind of diabolical strength in play.

Christian, who tries to be a supportive friend, urges White to see his treatment and adjust medications. While Christian Luoit’s treatment is exactly the type of behavior that you want to see from the best friend because it comes from a sensitive and care place, Christian is also struggling with his personal demons because the new character adopted by a man who is muscular and does not work completely to the straight shooter in his favor, and causes problems for him The Professional and Romantic Front.

Shying exploration of mental and friendship

They resemble people

They resemble people It provides a unique show experience because each of its heroes fights two different types of two very real torments from their views. Odyssey Christian stems from his desire for self -hatred and desperate to become alpha Men in the modern era despite his lives most of his life as an incredibly unbelievable individual. White, on the other hand, finds himself about to break a psychotic break, and the only person who will think about his hearing is a Christian, in which he will not blame him personally if White takes out of his place after that the behavior becomes increasingly increasing and unpredictable because he believes that the legions of demons are the legions of the demons It is about to show themselves and enter a new dark era.

Forced the viewer to use their imagination and consider the effects of what is suffering from both White and Cristian. They resemble people It is a slow exploration of friendship and mental illness that you do not want to sleep on. While both people are going through significant existential crises, their friendship is in the end what keeps them on the ground while trying to understand their life to collapse around them, which must be treated in the end, whether the end of the world is coming or not.

Until writing these lines, you can broadcast They resemble people Free on Tubi.

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