The classic play that inspired the most surprising Deep Space episode – Aitrend

Written by Chris Senelgov Published

If you are a fan Star Trek: Deep Space NineYou know that the show had a first rock season, but the “Duet” episode highlighted the full show capabilities. This was an episode where we learned more about the atrocities of the Jordanians against Bajorans and more on how Kira moved from its transfer from Freedom Fighter to the military official. More Spees the ninth area Fans no Learn about this episode, although it was inspired directly from The man in the glass boothA famous play for Robert Show.

The man in the glass booth

If you did not see a play in 1967, The man in the glass booth It revolves around a Jewish man who is arrested by the Israeli authorities for being a criminal in the Nazi war. The trial against him appears to be going well until the surprise reveals that he deliberately changed medical records to impersonate his old Nazi torment. in Spees the ninth area The “Duet” episode, we get a shocking disclosure when Cardian is revealed, as a major war crime, that he is a small government employee other than his own records in the hope that his suggestion sheds light on the brutality that Kardis attached to Bajorans.

Originally, the story was placed Spees the ninth area The bidder Michael Belller by two of his trainees, had a very different idea of ​​what a “duet” should have. They imagined an episode in which Cardian is truly He was A war criminal and Keira will be placed in the position that he does not envy. There was a clear dramatic potential for such hypothes Judgment in Nuremberg1961 movie that has just happened to Star Treke, William Shatner icon.

According to Biller, it was Spees the ninth area Product and future offer Era Stephen Bear, who “gave us the development that gave it The man in the glass booth A kind of feeling, where the man is not the one who says he is doing it for more noble reasons. “This development made the hypothesis of the episode feel that it is emerging because we rarely see any Cardian seeking to regret war crimes against the Bajur. We also reached the fact that Keira’s special perceptions are evolving because she stopped seeing the accused man as another enemy and began to see him as a person with sudden quantities of emotional depth.

while The man in the glass booth It is a classic play adapted in a classic movie with the same extent. You can say that Spees the ninth area It improves its form with “Duet”. It is somewhat frustrated, that the previous story never explains why her Jewish hero comes out of his way to be arrested and tried as a Nazi torment. In the movie “Duet”, we know that the personal plagiarism that impersonates the personality in the war is a barren issue … which is to spread the Hungarian awareness of the evil actions of his people even when he helped close the Bajri people.

We are great believers Spees the ninth area It is the best offer for Star Trek, and “Duet” is still one of the most amazing rings. It is salted, full of monologues, and comes out of the world of concession while giving us a look at the internal depths of Kira, one of the most persuasive characters in the exhibition. If we look back, though, it is sober to realize this without Robert Show The man in the glass boothPerhaps the first masterpiece of DS9 had not reached the air ever.

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