PFL announces a prize of 1 million rupees for the neglected football star – Aitrend

Pakistan Mohamed Rees is celebrated during the Asian Games match in 2018 - Facebook/ (FPDC)
Mohamed Riz in Pakistan celebrates a Asian Games match in 2018 – Facebook/ (FPDC)

With the generalization of the news about the national champion and football player Mohamed Riz, a former soccer player in Pakistan, he played in the 2018 Asian Games, the Pakistan Football Association (PFL) took an immediate notice and announced the Football Player Funds Award after Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif invited him to his official fity.

Earlier today, Reese received an invitation to the Prime Minister’s home after a video of his Galipis sale online appeared.

This development comes yet Geo News The most prominent case in a report earlier this week, confirming how the 29 -year -old prominent player was left unemployed after he made an electrical knee to solve the football team.

PFL, after hearing the story of his heart, which is locally and globally, heard the story of football lands to the streets of Hango, which is Galipis – (a famous sweet snack from the Indian subcontinent) to manage his financial difficulties and find a source of income for income, his family was announced on its side through a position of his money in the foreground. He was subjected to football in Pakistan.

“Mohamed Reese is a major example of hundreds and thousands of gifted football players in Pakistan, who were forced to leave the football field due to the lack of platforms and financial support before the game and skills are without noticing this, and it seems that it is from a million of a million, he does not want to be the amount of one million in a million, and that is an excellent player but he represented Pakistan on the global fronts in the stadium Football, and this amazing talent deserves all the support that we can provide in our maximum capabilities.

He added that such amazing talents cannot be lost because this is the great motivation for PFL to ensure transparency and opportunities for all football players in a country where talents talk about himself.

In a statement, he said that despite the guarantee of comprehensive support of Rizz, PFL is still committed to its goal to revive football in Pakistan and provide international training to all other football players like him.

PFL thanked the support, the Asian Games champion, the Reese Dam, the gratitude and thanks to PFL and the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the recognition of the difficulties he left to deal with after the previous governments decision to suspend the sport of departments.

“I am grateful to PFL to provide me with an opportunity to show my lost football and make sure that I will work with PFL to make sure that no other player neglects,” PFL statement said.

It is appropriate to mention that PFL will also make all the necessary arrangements to provide Rizz international training to ensure that this talent does not pass without anyone noticing and be proud of Pakistan in football fields in the coming years.

In addition to this, RIAS will also be placed in a way to ensure that not all local talents will pass without anyone noticing them and will lead the Welfare Department of Gifted Football Group in Pakistan.

The dissolution of the Department of Administration in Reese came after the former Pakistan government, Tehreek-E-Insaf (PTI), imposed a controversial ban on the sport of departments-a decision that Reese considered, a decision that is premature and destroyed for the sports industry.

As a result, Rayez, who was playing football in the departments, turned into a Galipis in the corner of a street in his hometown, Hang.

The administrative football solution, despite the directives of Prime Minister Sherfins Sharif, left the talented athletes who are struggling to survive.

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