Written by Chris Senelgov Published

If you are a fan of firearm photography, you may spend a lot of time screaming on your TV because your favorite characters on the screen do a terrible job in bombing their opponents. This is usually the actor’s mistake … like, what do you expect to happen when a person has never been delivered to a pistol and asking the walnut? but, BATLESTAR GALACTICA ‘S Nicki Clyne (which played CALY) is an exception to the rule: Starlog told it in the first show in the second season “scattered”, it was already reprimanded by the director to launch it on its pistol well!
Nikki Klein v. Kellons

Now, if you know a lot about BATLESTAR GALACTICAYou know that Cally does not spend much time directly in fighting the famous robot enemies in the show. This is because it is from Deckhand, such as the work colleague and the husband, Tyrol, specializes in maintaining the snakes of the ship in the air and works completely for the Galactica. However, Kali was part of a fiery battle in “Mubdaqat”, and Nikki Klealin trained so much that when she started shooting at the wires, the director said, “You are firing these weapons also Well, “because” Call has not fired a weapon since the basic training! “
If you have not seen a “scattered”, here are some context: In this episode, some of our characters are explored Kobol, a type of legendary planet that is intended to be the original birthplace of humanity. Some of them temporarily cut them on this planet while Galactica plays a desperate game of cat and mouse with a Cylon base, and most of the works of this episode occur on the main ship and the commander of the driving of the diverse pilots. But there are still a lot of procedures on this planet, where CALY is discovered when its survey team is attacked by blood -thirsty robots and has a cover to President Tyrol.
It is understood that Nikki Klealin wanted to get a great work scene against bags right, and this means training: as I put it, “I focused on doing this correctly, because arms experts showed me how to direct and release weapons.” This is what led to director Michael Remer’s suspension due to “the shooting of these weapons also Well, “because it will be out of the Deckhand who did not see the fighting well in it. He complied with the actor, but she also had a” defense “against the director’s criticism:” I thought, “hey, then. I You can learn to shoot quickly, then can definitely CALY. “

Although the Nicki Clyne’s comment may be a little tongue, it had a point from the first real battle of her personality with the Aslal. Main theme BATLESTAR GALACTICA It is that our heroes are opposite most of them and they must learn new skills to fly in order to evade their airport unabated. CALY may not look just like a crusal snapshot, but based on how to adapt it to some dramatic works later carrying it in the show (including her husband, she turned to be a secret Kelon!), It is fully reasonable to believe that it will be a quick study with firearms.
We really liked to hear how Nikki was a little bit also Good in bag photography, but there is only one problem: it has now been seized with a desire to watch BATLESTAR GALACTICA Restart again when the time should be a million. The alternative, of course, is to check some slopes that pass for modern science fiction TV on various broadcasting services. We prefer to call us simply like another Cylon before we settle on SLOP.