Written by Chris Senelgov Published

Part of which made Ronald Moore BATLESTAR GALACTICA The restart was very convincing that she had fully told an original story while she was still presenting the amazing films and shows that came before. For example, at the first show of the second season (“scattered”) the flashback scene when the smaller colonel was about to burn his medals and may kill himself, and this superficial scene may seem familiar to the film students. This is because this is especially frustrated BATLESTAR GALACTICA The scene was very inspired by The end of the world now And one of the finest scenes in cinematic history.
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is inspired by the end of the world now

Originally, the producers photographed many different flashback scenes for “Scathed”, and the last episode includes only a handful of them. One of them shows a younger -old colonel that pours feverish than lighter liquids throughout his old military medals; He is preparing to set fire to them and may kill himself and his partner in bed, but he stopped visiting the military police. They told him that he was returned to service, and BATLESTAR GALACTICA Guru Moore stressed the commentary of the episode, “There is a specific greeting quality in this The end of the world now“
If you BATLESTAR GALACTICA The fan that you did not see The end of the world now Recently (or maybe you never seen it at all), you may wonder what honor is. In the Francis Ford Coppola movie, some military police appeared and the personality of Martin Shen’s army has a very interesting so that they should throw him into the bathroom to revive him. In “scattering”, Tight (apparently in the middle of the road through a large group of alcohol) is in a similar position, although visiting deputies do not have to throw it in the bathroom.
It is interesting, and BATLESTAR GALACTICA I think this simple difference is from The end of the world nowThe scene made the scene more influential. He pointed out that Tight “explodes and brings itself together” and how this was “our story … more effective.” In the same suspension of podcasts, Moore expressed that “we were unable to transfer” the fact that if Tig lit up his medals on the fire, “the whole place may rise.”

It is clear that the scene in the movie Coppola, where Shin’s character must be brought up physically in the bathroom, is very unforgettable, so why did Moore think it is better to be able to combine on his own? Basically, “Scathed” is an episode that alcohol should bear the driving of the ship after the shooting on Adama, and it was a surprise to the masses and characters alike that the fragile and violence almost was actually a reliable officer in reality with good instincts. However, the previous flashback to before it is presented to Battlessar Galactica, this foretells by showing that it can (unlike it The end of the world now A counterpart) Collect himself together in a moment.
When we saw this for the first time BATLESTAR GALACTICA The episode, we did not record the similarity between the Yong Tig scene and the equivalent scene in The end of the world now. We cannot see the relationship now, and we love Ronald Moore more to add such complexity to Colonel Tig, one of the best characters in the show. As for the same Tight, it is possible that the leadership takes with the same words is described by the famous Marlon Brando near the end The end of the world now: “Horror … horror!”