Written by Chris Senelgov Published

One of the reasons why this type of horror often feels that it has no meaning is that bored directors have run out of new ways to surprise us. After all, how scary is something when you can always guess everything that will happen? If you want some nervous transformations from a man you can never Full expect, you are lucky: M. Night Shyamalan’s trap It now flows on Netflix.
A trap on Netflix

Before you flow trap On Netflix, you should know that she has a delicious, delicious plot that involves a man who takes his daughter to a concert that includes her favorite singer. Unfortunately, the entire event is a huge police operation aimed at a ruthless serial trap. Since this killer is a dear old father, he spends the rest of the film in an attempt to evade the authorities while preserving the charming prince Chare, who kept everyone fooled for a long time.
trap He has a superior collection for other horror movies on Netflix, starting with the main actor Josh Hartnett (famous for him Blackhawk below and Lucky number Slevin). He is also starring Ariel Donogo, known as BlueBack And the TV program Wolf. The approximation of this strange actor is Alison Bell (famous B. Scott Bilgrim against the world and Midnight in ParisAnd Hili Mills (famous b happy And the original Parents’ trap).
Of course, if you are considering watching trap On Netflix, you are already a fans of the director M. Night Shyamalan. It is a symbol of terror behind movies like The sixth meaning and SignsAnd this film continues to imitate this nervous type on his ear. For better or worse, trap She is also a family relationship, with the daughter of Sheika Salika Night Xiamalan, who plays the role of the music star who was the daughter of Heartnit on the screen obsessed with her.

For a budget of $ 30 million, trap The box office was worth $ 83.6 million before reaching Netflix. It is a healthy profit margin, which shows why horror is still the most reliable types of movies when it comes to ticket sales. With what is said, there are currently no plans to complement, although my fans Unbreakable Know that Xiamalan is not afraid to return to the old privileges when the fans expect it.
On spoiled tomatoes, trap It has 57 percent cash classification. Critics generally praised the performance of Joshua Hartnett, but they indicated that the tongue of the film in the cheek may be exciting to the public fans. As for the public audiences, the film has a 65 percent popcorn rating, which means that the unlawful movie pioneers love the unconventional horror than the critics.
Now, I need to address some of the writing on the wall … more clear writing than Xiamalan’s mineral dialogue. The movie may have been a success of the box office, but it was a bear with critics and barely disturbed the radar of the fans. Why, then, you must check trapNetflix movie in the middle of the road from a outlet that may exceed its shortcomings?

First of all, it is worth the flow trap On Netflix simply for Hartnet’s performance: His unethical personality comes as an amazing sympathetic, and it is fun watching this horror king (seriously, re -watching how good This man was in College) Return to its roots. It is fair to say that Heartnit raises the writing of the movie and helps on paper on some difficult sites in the text program. This helps to cancel the cross parts of the surplus of Xiamalan’s narration, which leads to the establishment of unlikely scenarios in the unlikely charm of Heartnit on an equal footing.
And he talked about Xiamalan, trap It is worth checking the Netflix for anyone who has fell in love with the way of signing the director. He mocks the coordination of the novel “What a development”, but what makes it trap It is worth noting that it directs our full concept on how to tell scary stories. It is a horror film that was embarrassed in an exciting movie with just a movie to spray the movement, and it adds everything to something different from any other movie of any kind
Will you find? trap As did a novel and charming as you did when we were on Netflix, or is this movie Shymalan make you wish you already died? You will not even know to broadcast it yourself. Just be ready to damage “I see the dead people” over and over again before the credits revolve in the unpredictable horror movie.