African refugees based on the American decree Aitrend

African refugees based on the American decree


Harare, Zimbabwe – After almost two decades at the Tongogara refugee colony in Zimbabwe, philosoph qualified for resettlement in the United States. He, his wife and 10 other people were to leave on January 21. But one day before, he received heartbreaking news. Due to a decree by US President Donald Trump, their resettlement has … Read more

This Star Trek episode is based on a Disney fairy tale – Aitrend

This Star Trek episode is based on a Disney fairy tale

 – Aitrend

Written by Chris Snelgrove | Published 3 seconds ago Disney is probably the last thing you think about while watching Star Trek. After all, what do fairy tales and talking animals have to do with The Final Frontier (please don’t say Worf was a talking animal, he finds those comments hurtful)? However, one of the … Read more

New solution for metastatic ovarian cancer based on approach from nearly a century ago shrinks tumors Aitrend

New solution for metastatic ovarian cancer based on approach from nearly a century ago shrinks tumors


Nan Zhang (left) studies cancerous tumors in the laboratory – Courtesy of the Wistar Institute A new combination led to tumor regression in preclinical laboratory trials by scientists at the nonprofit Wistar Institute in Philadelphia. Ovarian cancer is the deadliest gynecological cancer, with low survival rates because it is naturally resistant to chemotherapy, so its … Read more