Breakthrough single-dose drug eliminates breast tumors in mice without side effects Aitrend

Breakthrough single-dose drug eliminates breast tumors in mice without side effects


Credit: Angiola Harry In search of ever better treatments for breast cancer, medical researchers from the Univ. from Illinois have synthesized a remarkable substance. In small tumors, a single dose of ErSO-TFPy completely eliminated them, while the same dose significantly reduced large tumors. In mice and rats, no harmful side effects were observed. Limited to … Read more

DWTS’ Lindsay Arnold Shares TikTok After Breast Augmentation Surgery Aitrend

DWTS’ Lindsay Arnold Shares TikTok After Breast Augmentation Surgery


Lindsay Arnold. Courtesy of Lindsay Arnold/TikTok Lindsay Arnold‘s breast augmentation surgery was a success — and according to a post updating her fans, even her braids stayed in place. THE Dancing with the stars a 31-year-old former student documented her journey before and after the operation via a TikTok posted on Wednesday January 15. “Post-op … Read more

She advocated for better breast cancer screening. His friends continue the fight Aitrend

She advocated for better breast cancer screening. His friends continue the fight


Friends of a Nova Scotia woman who died this month from Stage IV breast cancer are urging the province to update its screening policy for women with dense breast tissue. They believe that if such a policy had been in place, Tanja Harrison could have contracted her cancer earlier. “We really need to see the … Read more

AI detected her breast cancer early after annual test came back normal: ‘I feel so lucky’ Aitrend

AI detected her breast cancer early after annual test came back normal: ‘I feel so lucky’


(Left) cropped image by Getty images / Unsplash+ (right) Sheila Tooth via SWNS Artificial intelligence has successfully detected a woman’s breast cancer, after a routine exam assessed by humans was found to be ‘normal’. Sheila Tooth received the all-clear after her most recent mammogram was reviewed by two experienced radiologists who determined there were no … Read more

Texas woman sets record by donating nearly 700 gallons of breast milk Aitrend

Texas woman sets record by donating nearly 700 gallons of breast milk


Courtesy of Alyse Ogletree An extraordinary Texas woman has won a Guinness World Record thanks to her generous heart and help from other organs. Alyse Ogletree set the world record for the largest amount of breast milk donated by a single person: 2,645.58 liters, or roughly 700 gallons. This is a record she previously broke … Read more