Eye cancer breakthrough as NHS rolls out ‘pioneering’ new drug – which could increase patients’ survival times by months Aitrend

Eye cancer breakthrough as NHS rolls out ‘pioneering’ new drug – which could increase patients’ survival times by months


Authorities have announced that people with a rare form of eye cancer will have access to a “pioneering” NHS drug which could improve their chances of survival. Uveal melanoma, which develops from cells in the middle layer of the eye known as the uvea, is estimated to affect between 500 and 600 people in the … Read more

Postal scandal: Victim’s daughter, who was investigated while battling cancer, seeks compensation from Fujitsu | UK News Aitrend

Postal scandal: Victim’s daughter, who was investigated while battling cancer, seeks compensation from Fujitsu | UK News


The daughter of a post office victim who was investigated while battling terminal cancer says it’s time for Fujitsu to “take responsibility” for compensation. Katie Watson’s mother Fiona died in 2004, less than a year after she was forced to admit stealing from her branch. During the investigation, he was diagnosed with lymphoma. Ms Watson … Read more

AI detected her breast cancer early after annual test came back normal: ‘I feel so lucky’ Aitrend

AI detected her breast cancer early after annual test came back normal: ‘I feel so lucky’


(Left) cropped image by Getty images / Unsplash+ (right) Sheila Tooth via SWNS Artificial intelligence has successfully detected a woman’s breast cancer, after a routine exam assessed by humans was found to be ‘normal’. Sheila Tooth received the all-clear after her most recent mammogram was reviewed by two experienced radiologists who determined there were no … Read more

“Covid could cure cancer”: researchers make an astonishing discovery on the regression of tumors Aitrend

“Covid could cure cancer”: researchers make an astonishing discovery on the regression of tumors


Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery linking Covid to cancer regression, potentially opening new avenues of treatment. Researchers at Northwest Medicine Thoracic Canning Institute discovered that the virus that causes Covid can trigger the development of special immune cells capable of attacking and destroying cancerous tissue. The surprising findings, published in the Journal of Clinical … Read more

Caterpillar fungus used in Chinese medicine slows the growth of cancer cells, new study finds Aitrend

Caterpillar fungus used in Chinese medicine slows the growth of cancer cells, new study finds


Caterpillar infected by Cordyceps militaris, the pretty orange fungus that produces Cordycepin – By Daniel Winkler, Mushroaming British researchers have discovered one of the secrets of a traditional Chinese medicine based on an orange caterpillar fungus and are touting its potential in the fight against cancer. The mechanism that triggers the anti-inflammatory effects and other … Read more