The clashes erupt after the victory celebrations of the Cricket outside the mosque in India – Aitrend

The clashes erupt after the victory celebrations of the Cricket outside the mosque in India

 – Aitrend

People celebrate after India won the International Criminal Champions Cup after the New Zealand defeated in the finals, in Ahmed Abad, India, on March 9, 2025. – Reuters New Delhi: Officials said that at least four people were injured in the town of Dr. Ambidkar Nagar in central India on Sunday in clashes that broke … Read more

The head of the financial service of services that comes out after the clashes of the board of directors | Money news Aitrend

The head of the financial service of services that comes out after the clashes of the board of directors | Money news


The head of the mediator’s financial service (FOS) was effectively forced to leave the role after losing the confidence of his board of directors in the middle of the government’s increased pressure on economic childcare dogs. Sky News understands that Abby Thomas, whose departure was announced earlier Thursday, was at the center of several disputes … Read more