Doctor names the class of vegetables he eats every day for a ‘long and healthy life’ Aitrend

Doctor names the class of vegetables he eats every day for a ‘long and healthy life’


Longevity is influenced by several factors, including the amount of alcohol a person consumes, smoking, level of physical activity and diet. According to an expert, there are specific types of foods that people should incorporate into their daily diet to live longer. A functional medicine doctor stressed the importance of cruciferous vegetables. Mark Hyman MD … Read more

Frontier will introduce first class seats. This is what the new section will look like. Aitrend

Budget airline Frontier Tuesday revealed plans new seats for its customers who want a first-class style experience. This new tier, expected to be rolled out in late 2025, marks the first time the carrier has offered its customers a premium seating alternative comparable to traditional carriers’ first-class cabins. The airline describes the new seats as … Read more

British Columbia can pursue class action against opioid suppliers, top court rules Aitrend

British Columbia can pursue class action against opioid suppliers, top court rules


Reduce article font size Increase the font size of the article Canada’s highest court has upheld the constitutionality of a law that would allow B.C. to bring a class action against opioid suppliers on behalf of other provinces, territories and the federal government. THE Supreme Court of Canada Today’s decision is another step toward potential … Read more